Palestinians protest

Who are Innocent Palestinians?

Forgetting the barbarism and inhuman acts of Hamas on the Israeli innocent civilians in the border villages of Israel on 7th Oct 2023, most of the world voices are showing their sympathy and anxieties for the Palestinians considering them ‘innocent’. However, a big question arises in most if not all logical minds…”Are the Palestinians really innocent, leaving out the exceptions?”. Author acknowledges the grief that the Palestinians are undergoing in the Israeli retaliation against Hamas who have intermingled themselves with Palestinians in most if not all walks of life…be it habitation, daily errands, sharing family & social relationship as well as acting & reacting to their ideological battle against Jews, raging for decades or even centuries.

Background of Islamic animosity

In Gaza and West Bank, there is near homogeneity of the Palestinian Muslims with Jihadi Terror establishments. They contradict very formation of Israel after British occupation ended. This is akin to formation of Pakistan during Indian independence or Afghanistan earlier. If we draw parallels, it could mean that all Hindus of India should oppose / resist the formation of Pakistan and Afghanistan considering it as occupied by followers of a demonic faith to their belief, ineligible to exist… similar to what Arabs and Palestinians think about Israel. However, there is a stark difference in approach of the two. India has accepted the division of its territories whether Afghanistan or Pakistan, but Palestinians backed by the Arabs have not. Hindus are peace-loving community without backing force of any other nation while Palestinian Muslims are armed with their Islamic Jihad with backing force of most if not all 47 Islamic nations. After the formation of the OIC, the backing force has increased to 57 and often the UN/UNSC/UNHRC too behaving as an Islamic agency.

The parallels of the two also extend to the territorial losses during subsequent wars. While India lost part of its Jammu Kashmir/Laddakh to Pakistan and China and yet maintaining peace & tranquility on its borders with the two, Palestinians and the Arabs never accepted Israeli occupation of territories during the ensuing war after its independence. Hindu religious books of Ved, Upanishad, Puran and Gita don’t preach hate against the followers of other religions and faiths, but Islamic books Quran & Hadith preaches Muslims to discriminate the followers of other religions & faiths (read “Gross violation of Fundamental Rights”, and lays down concept of Jihad as one of the seven tenets of Islam. Jihad although was suggested to get rid of sins within oneself and in society, its meaning in the present times has restricted to armed struggle against the believers of other religions & faith till they are either converted to Islam, reduced to subjugation under Islam, or by paying tax (Jazya) for ‘not put to death’. This is how all non-Muslims vanished from Islamic countries and this is what Quran is at odds with all other religions and faiths of the world, including Jews of Israel. It may be worth wondering if the non-Muslims all over the world should raise some ‘non-state gangs of killers’ of whatever name, who could become a credible counterforce to the Islamic Jihadists. Their main moto could be to ‘cull jihadists’ on their territories with additional objective of discouraging Muslims from proliferating on their soils. If not through retaliation, Islamic Jihad must be brought to an end all over the world and the present Israel-Hamas conflagration be brought to an end as suggested in the article mentioned (read “The way ahead”, It will be more appropriate if the UN takes initiatives in this context. It is another matter though that if Jews apply the same formula what Islam has been adopting against them, they may justify wiping out the entire Muslim community from their lands owned and inhabited in the 6th century before the foundation of Islam.

Are Palestinians Innocent?

Palestinians are mostly the Muslims with a handful of Christians & Jews who were and are increasingly made to flee for the safety of their lives and family honour. Palestine Muslims in majority is no different from the Muslims of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh or elsewhere who make non-Muslims to flee with their age-old mantra of “Convert, Flee or Die” that we witnessed recently in Sinjar, Kashmir and Afghanistan leading to almost complete genocide of their religious minorities. They harbour Jihadi Terrorists within their communities/nations, all drawing inspiration form their hateful & intolerant verses of Quran (read “is Quran hateful & intolerant?”, There are >175 Jihadi organisations in the world today, almost all of them engaged in committing genocide of the non-Muslims. Al-Qaida & Taliban have recently completed their genocide of Sikhs & Hindus in Afghanistan. Kosovo is presently undergoing genocide of their Serbian Christians. Pakistan too is nearing their genocide of Hindus & Christians and threatening Sikhs by dishonouring their women. Boko-Haram, Al-Shabab, M23 along with other jihadi Tanzeems are doing it in Africa. Thus, 47 Islamic nations and Muslim communities forming significant population, are well coordinating genocide of non-Muslims in own as well as other nations and the main objective of Hamas & Hezbollah too is same.

Decades back when Iran had dispatched their cadres of Hamas & Hezbollah on Palestine territories, they were discrete; but by now, 80-85% of their cadres are native Palestinians well mixed homogenously with other civilians (read “Gaza of Jihadists, Sympathisers and Innocent Palestinians”, All in all, nearly 60-65% of Palestinians are either the cadre of Hamas/Hezbollah, their family members or their sympathisers. Besides, 10-15% Palestinians are members of United Jihad Council, many trained in armed operations. Another 5% Palestinians live in the refugee camps, and tutored jihad by Islamic clerics, the Mullahs/Imams. They are indoctrinated for stone-pelting and isolated attacks on Israeli forces. All these make the strength of demonic forces to about 80%. It could be expected that the remaining ~20% Palestinians among which there are non-Muslims too, are innocent…BUT…they survive like a tongue surrounded by teeth, ready to be bitten anytime. They are often pressurized to follow jihadist’s dictats in various forms, to become their shields.

It is extremely difficult to say what proportion of Palestinians are innocent. Even the representatives of UN/UNHRC/NGOs living in Gaza speak the language that Hamas/Hezbollah/Islamic Jihad want…and they all fall in line for the sake of their lives/dignities. It is very apparent from their speeches/narratives that they are singing to Jihadist’s tunes. Readers may recall that many UN aid workers speaking on 21/22 Oct had declared that the fuel reserve in Gaza will finish in 24-48 hrs. However, contrary to this it is lasting till now. Even the doctors (esp the ‘white helmet’ group) have become party to setting narratives and possibly fake propaganda too in displaying ugly scenes of children becoming casualties. Amidst all these conundrums, there is hardly any Palestinian be it resident civilians, UN aid workers, or the red cross voicing concerns for the Israeli civilian taken hostages on 7th Oct. Thus, one is compelled to rethink as to which of the civilians in Gaza has a voice of innocence.

The above facts in no way intend to negate the ground realities that numerous Palestinian men, women and children are suffering from the collateral damages in the Israeli attempt to wipe out Hamas. What is the exact number of the casualties, will be difficult to guess amidst the ongoing propaganda war. The narratives coming out of Gaza tend to indicate that 40% of casualties are children. Are they especially targeted, or the Israeli ammunitions selectively kill/injure the children? Both these narratives are false. All Palestinian parents must be condemned for deliberately keeping their children in the war zone of northern Gaza; esp in the apartments over the tunnel openings, knowing fully well that IDF has its blueprint and that it will come under attack sooner or later. Palestine cadre of Hamas and Islamic Jihad are playing a very dirty game with the lives of the women and children. Of late, some hospitals known to be sheltering Hamas’s terrorists/jihadists or built over the tunnel openings are under attack. Even though IDF has given them a window period to vacate, very few have done so.

Final Thoughts

The above rationale explains why very little population had moved out from North Gaza in the initial days of Israeli instructions to vacate. It was only later when bombardment intensified on the dwellings over the tunnel-openings…be it multistorey apartments, schools, mosques etc that those fearing for their lives did move out. Now since Gaza city is surrounded by the IDF from all sides, civilians incl terrorists sheltered in hospitals & schools are moving out. It is believed that many Hamas/Islamic Jihad cadres well mixed with the civilians, are also moving out to escape death. It is unfortunate that Palestinians are becoming enemies of their own women and children in not shifting them to south Gaza. Last but not the least, civilians of Gaza have shed away any shade of humanity in not speaking out for the release of innocent civilian hostages of toddlers, children, women and elderly of Israel. Anyone will question these Palestinians whether they are really innocent.

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