Raging war against Hamas

Beyond Hamas Beast-hood in Israel: The Way Ahead

The current Resolve of Israel against Hamas

In the aftermath of 7th Oct barbarism by Hamas, Israeli Govt had taken two immediate decisions:-Firstly, they stopped all essential supplies to compel Hamas to return the innocent Israeli civilian hostages taken. Secondly, the IDF started air attacks on Hamas’s militant wing in Gaza. With complete air superiority over Gaza airspace, war doctrine prompts to pulverize the enemies to minimize own casualties during ground operations.

Wiping out Hamas from Earth may not be possible for various reasons as below:-

  • Hamas has its origin in Iran and its terrorists are in other countries too, some far away from Gaza. It will be operationally difficult to take on all of them together.
  • Hamas terror groups are holed-up inside Gaza tunnels, mostly opening inside residential apartments, kindergartens, schools, mosques, hospitals and so on. It may be extremely difficult to wipe them out within the tunnels.
  • Lot many in Hamas terror cadres are Palestinians having families residing in those buildings over tunnels. They are often used as human shields against Israeli attacks.
  • It is believed that almost 40-50% of the terrorists have moved to south Gaza intermingled with neighboring civilians. They could escape Israeli attacks. In no time, they will return maybe with a changed name of their Tanzeem. This is evident among several proscribed Islamic terror groups in the world.

Efforts to Stop Further Bloodshed

After retaliation by Israeli Air Force startedalmost the same day, all Islamic nations have jumped in to enforce truce to stop losses on Hamas, their sympathisers among Palestines and some innocent civilians as well. All these nations have possibly condoned or legitimized the unprovoked barbaric attacks on Israeli civilians. They are trying to trivialize the inhuman & barbaric acts of Hamas Jihadists and deep wounds inflicted on Israeli psyche of self-respect. Nations who understand the hurt, are backing Israeli attacks on Hamas. However, 57 members of the OIC want a ceasefire and a continued humanitarian aids and supplies.

There was a peace summit conducted by Egypt on 21st Oct at the behest of the UN Secretary General calling for ceasefire and Humanitarian supplies. It was partially successful in opening Rafah border with Egypt to allow the Humanitarian supplies under UN supervision. Two rounds of UNSC meetings have not been able to make headway. USA vetoed Russian resolution and Russia & China Vetoed US draft. Presently, UNGA is debating the issues, but the outcome is known…heading nowhere. Meanwhile, Israeli PM has announced the start of ground operations on 25th Oct 23 to crush Hamas, sparing civilians to extent possible. It is noteworthy that many civilian families mostly having allegiance to Hamas, are refusing to move out. They are likely to suffer varying degrees of casualties despite care by the Israeli forces.

What is the way out?

Waging jihadi war by Hamas against Israeli civilians or retaliation by Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) are no solution to the ongoing socio-religious and territorial problems between Hamas Jihadists/Palestine and Israel. After UN authorized formation of Israel in 1948, Arabs have mounted numerous attacks on Israel and getting beaten-up every time and losing more territories to Israel in turn.

Thanks to the Camp David accords, some of the Arabian Nations are accepting Israeli existence, bound to refrain from attacking. However, Jihadi intent of Islam is hell bent upon wiping out Israel. Islamic nation in the region must understand that Islamic hate & intolerance of Quran will not be tolerated by non-Muslims states in the 21st century. Hence, all >175-odd jihadi Tanzeems and their 47 promoter Islamic nations must realise that their barbarism will be counterproductive and be retaliated. This is what Israel is doing now.

Solutions to the Present Hamas created Crisis

There is no human made problems/crises that do not have solutions. Problems in resolving it are often faced when partisanship, biases and selfish intents crop-in. As for the present Hamas-Israel war, there are immediate, mid-term and long-term solutions if the warring parties rise above selfishness to resolve it. All warring parties ought to compromise; the Jihadists, the Palestinians, Israeli administration and above all, the Islamic ideology that is apparently spreading hate & intolerance against non-Muslims.

Immediate Steps towards resolution of the problems/crises include the followings:-

  1. Hamas must return all hostages respectfully and unconditionally to the Israeli authorities because most of them are innocent civilians consisting of neonates, children, school-going young boys & girls, elderly and women along with some soldiers who were off-duty.
  2. Hamas administration of Gaza must hand over all terrorists who committed barbarism on the soil of Israel on 7th Oct 23, to the Israeli authorities, to try them under their laws. These terrorists are inhuman, to have committed such horrendous and barbaric acts. It will be difficult to get Hamas agree to it BUT this alone can save their fellow members being targeted by IDF with lethal precision. This is going to be a difficult proposition for both Hamas administration or the Israeli authorities who have taken a resolve to wipe out the entire Hamas. Sparing the remaining Hamas terrorists could pose a threat for future Jihadi attacks. However, as such there is no surety of no future attacks by the left over Hamas terrorists or some other groups like United Islamic Jihad or Hezbollah.
  3. Big powers, superpowers and supporters of Jihadists or Israel must stay away from joining the war in any capacity. Their meddling could trigger a wider conflict that will be difficult to contain. It is noteworthy that Iran and China are meddling in troubled waters.
  4. The Mid term Solution includes implementation of the ‘Two-State Solutions’ between Palestine and Israel, with both obeying the accord in letter and spirit. However, with the type of animosity the Islamic terror groups are brooding on Palestine soils…be it Hamas/United Jihad Council in Gaza, Hezbollah in West Bank… fighting for the cause of Jihad, determined to commit genocide of the Israeli Jews, it is unlike that any permanent solution can be reached. Trigger for numerous unrests and conflagrations of the past ahave been mostly the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem constructed on the Jewish Sacred land of Temple Mount. Jews consider it the most sacred that Muslims grabbed in medieval times (read “A Troubled Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem). This problem too needs to be addressed.

The long-term solution for Israel-Palestine war mandates all Islamic nations to stop meddling against the only Jew State, fighting for the cause of Jihad either thru’ state or non-state actors. However, Islamic Jihad is not limited against Israel alone. Just 2 yrs back, Taliban has committed complete genocide of Sikhs and Hindus in Afghanistan. Serbia is struggling to retain Kosovo because Islamic Jihadist has spread like cancer (read “Kosovo Being Engulfed by Islamic Cancer"). Hindus, Sikhs, Christians are facing ongoing genocide in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Many African nations too are suffering in the hands of Boko-Haram, Al-Shabab and M23. Towards this, the UNHRC must constitute a team of both Muslim and non-Muslim Islamic religious experts who could go thru’ Quran/Hadith as to why terrorism is fanning out from it. Just like Hamas, there are over 175-odd fascist Jihadi Tanzeems in the world each claiming allegiance to Quran (read “Islamic fascism in the World).

Hateful & intolerant verses must be removed from Quran which spread Hate & Intolerance against non-Muslims. As long as those verses remain, radicalism & terrorism will continue emerging out against the non-Muslims and turmoil will continue happening. UNHRC may realise that many Quranic verses violate the fundamental rights of non-Muslims (read “Gross Violation of Indian Fundamental Rights). The least the UNHRC can do, is to permit the non-Muslim nations to ban Quran in its present form from being preached. If not, at least, its contents be pre-screened before being read out at Friday Khutbahs on the lines the Chinese have done to contain Islamic radicalism & terrorism (read “World Must Adopt Chinese Model of Islam).

There is hardly any doubt that Quranic teaching is counterproductive for religious harmony. These actions by UNHRC will also be beneficial to prevent future Islamic terrorism in nations like India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Kosovo or African nations where significant number of Muslims are living and growing in number out of proportions. Amending Quran or banning it in non-Islamic nation could be the only permanent solution to root out Islamic Terrorism in the world. This is the only way in which the UN/UNHRC could try to treat the disease, not the symptoms (read “Islamic Hate & Intolerance: Treat the Disease, not Symptoms).

Concluding Thoughts

Hamas mounted a Jihadi attack on the Jews of Israel on 7th Oct 23. Israeli govt has taken a firm resolve to wipe out Hamas at least from Gaza. With the aerial attacks initiated the same day and ground attacks launched on 25 Oct 23, the IDF seems moving forward to achieve the immediate goal. There is no doubt that there will be enormous collateral damages of lives and properties. Humanitarian catastrophe may also arise. If further catastrophe is to be prevented, the war must stop. The only way it can be done is thru’ some immediate, mid- and long-term solutions suggested above in which all stakeholders must make one or the other compromises.

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