Cancer on British Soil

Britain Diseased with Islamic Cancer, Reluctant for Treatment

(Note- Majority of Muslims the world-over are as peace-loving and religious as any other communities. However, the radical groups among them are hateful and intolerant towards the believers of other faiths and religions, compelling the moderates to tow their line.)

Recent Manifestations of the disease

A meteoric rise in the numbers of the radical Muslims on British soil has been unprecedented, alarming and worrisome, termed by some as cancerous (read “Britain Diseased by Islamic Cancer”, The recent Pro-Palestine and Pro-Hamas march by the radicals on 11 Nov 23 despite govt directive of prohibiting, it makes it more worrisome. Pro-Hamas and anti-Semitic sloganeering evoked public retaliation by many British far-right hard winger. It is a fact that Britain has huge numbers of radical Muslims duly supported by some others who constitute law & order trouble for the docile original white natives. Worse, the govt has been unable to take a firm stand against them in the view of ‘vote bank’ politics and its image of being champions of Human Rights. Home secretary Suella Braverman instead, got sacked for calling spade a spade with the participation of the Pro-Palestine & Pro-Hamas protesters as “Hate marchers”. It is misfortune of British politics that firm voices against Islamic radicalism taking root on British soil was suppressed.

The Pro-Palestine organisers had cleverly planned the march on 11 Nov 23 joining the group of “Anti-War protesters against World War I’ at The Cenotaph war memorial in central London at the annual ‘Armistice Day’ that observes 2 min silence to remember the dead. As such Pro-Palestine march was illegal, against the govt advisory, yet police didn’t stop it. Ms Suella had termed the police as partisan that irked some. The protest march looked like a massive gathering of anything from 3-6 lakh people many carrying Palestine flags, some wearing Hamas head strip. When they started soughing pro-Palestinian, Pro-Hamas and anti-Jew slogans, the far right group countered them leading to many injuries. About 140-odd people have been rounded off by police.

In the present context, British soil appears a very fertile ground for the Islamic & Sikh radicals indulgent in various types of nefarious activities some against own nation. Many of these radicalism transformed in to extremism and terrorism too prominent among those are the Islamic terrorism sporadically manifesting itself following radical happenings somewhere else in the world. During Islamic intolerances to occurrences somewhere else, the world witnessed Islamo-fascism at distant territories incl France, Britain (read “New Islamo-fascism in the world”, Fascist face of Islam among world Muslims were visible on 7th & 8th Oct 2023 when they took out procession of support for Hamas Jihadists for their barbarism displayed in Israel. Islamic cancer has implanted itself firmly on British soil and proliferating rapidly. There should be no doubt in the minds of its citizen that they are going to pay its price unless control the proliferating disease. If Britain continues sacking its ministers adopting strong measures against Islamists there should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that Islamists will bleed the British in own land.

Earlier too on 17 Sep 2022 night, Muslim hooligans indulged in violence against Hindus and vandalising their temples while police watched it as mute spectator. The violence was pre-planned by the radicals of Birmingham Muslim body. It is believed that the investigation was hushed up by partisan police officers under pressure from the ‘vote-bank’ politicians. Some Sikh members of Pak ISI-sponsored Khalistani SFJ, left-wing radicals etc were also involved in the conspiracy.

Disease Process, Progression and Spread

British Administration has been increasingly becoming vulnerable to several social and human erosions in the recent decades, some even detrimental to its peaceful existence. These erosions include increasing political clout of the Islamists and rapidly proliferating Muslim community in many Ghettos where they start dominating the others by sheer numbers and sponsored mob violence. Later they become a significant law and order problem, even preventing access of the police in their ghettos. In Britain, the numbers of Muslims and the sizes of such ghettos has been increasing at rapid pace. Along with the numbers, comes Islamic hate, intolerance, bigotry and Fascism preached by their mosques against the local non-Muslim communities. Most radical and Islamic terror elements having allegiance to numerous radical and terror groups elsewhere, find shelter here. The figure below, shows the increase in the size of Islamic Cancer in Britain in the last 10 yrs alone. It should be a matter of great worry for the British.

Rapidly Proliferating Muslims in Britain (shown in green)

Transformation of 47 States into ‘Islamic nations’ bear testimony to a simple fact that where ever Islam has spread beyond a certain percentage, it has turned the nation to Islam with Sharia law; initially in piecemeal, later ‘in block’ till adopted at the national level. There are several habitual/behavioural facts of Islam and Muslims as mentioned below:-

  • Islam is at conflict with most, if not all other religions and faiths.
  • Islam preaches discrimination, hate & intolerance against other faiths & religions.
  • Muslims have less affinity for nation, more dedicated to the cause of Islam.
  • If a call for Jihad is given by their clerics, they could attack own national forces.
  • There are certain unwritten facts of Muslim behaviour:-
  • Muslim population <5% are good, hard working, well behaved.
  1. At ~9% they start objecting presence of other’s religious practices/temples.
  2. 10-15% - Create law & order issues, indulge in radicalism/extremism.
  3. 16-21% - Start terrorism as part of own or the other World Jihadi Tanzeems.
  4. >22% - Indulge in separatism, Sharia law, threaten others, make them flee.
  5. >30% - Pressurise govt for Islamic law, threaten others by targeted killing.

As shown in the figure above, Muslim ghettos in Birmingham, Bradford, East Ham, Blackburn, Bethnal, Ilford and Poplar & Limehouse are increasingly becoming law & order problem for the British administration.

Muslim ghettos in Britain

Islamic cancer disregard the rules of law. They start sheltering global terrorist groups in their ghettos/mosques. They indulge in fascism. Islamic Jihad is often in the center of their activities. Since most of these Muslims are radicals from Pak/Afghan/Bangladesh, Middle East & Africa, they often join one or more of the >175-odd terror organisations in the world. In the name of Jihad, they could always be exploited by their clerics/other Islamic nations. Many of us may recall some of the posters surfacing in UK during ‘BLM protests’ indicating ongoing ‘Rape Jihad’ of white women by the Muslims (also read These nefarious activities of Islam are evident not only in Britain but in all regions/nations having significant numbers of Muslims; be it India, France, Serbia, Sweden, Denmark, Srilanka, African nations or elsewhere. Islamic cancer if left untreated, will threaten all those nations. Cancer as disease also causes metastasis (spread) that has been ongoing in the last 5-10 yrs or so in the form of the illegal migrants coming to Europe from Islamic nations, causing similar disease.

Rape Jihad of British women by Muslims

The British Asian Muslims feel proud to claim they use the foolish white British women like ‘Tissue Papers’ with ‘use & throw’ concept. It is believed that British police are already showing hesitance in entering Islamic ghettos. There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that other faiths/religions are unsafe in Islamic nations (read ‘Are Muslim Countries really unreceptive to religious freedom”; It is worth taking note of the fact that there is no Muslim majority nation which has adopted Secularism…BUT…there are several Christian, Buddhist and one Hindu majority nation which have not declared themselves as respective religious nations but chosen to remain secular. Islamic nations suppress their religious minorities but secular nations provide equal opportunities to all. Muslims in secular nations too take advantage of this fact to promote Islam and proliferate changing religious demography of those nations and prove to be cancer for them. Non-Muslims the world over are now reacting and some even retaliating to it. Treatment of this disease is now inevitable for the survival of humanity.

Higher Muslim % a threat to any nation

Treatment of Islamic Cancer

Treatment of the Islamic cancer is essential, otherwise it will corrode and engulf initially the part it affects and later the entire body. That is why there are 47 Islamic nations today where Islam has engulfed most if not all their religious minorities. Untreated, many nations are at the brink such as Serbia, India, CAR and some other African nations with their natives/tribes persecuted progressively just like what happened in Arabia in the 7th century. Concept of treatment is very clear…”kill the cancer or be prepared to be killed”. Displaying sympathy to cancer is calling for own suffering. India unprepared to kill the cancer, had to cut its affected parts….of Gandhar (now Afghanistan), Punjab (now Pakistan) and East Bengal (Now Bangladesh). Serbia unable to kill the cancer, has to cut its affected part called Kosovo (read “Kosovo Engulfed by Islamic Cancer”, Similarly CAR, Congo and some other nations are at brinks. In the present times, China is the only nation which has kept Islamic radicalism, extremism and terrorism under check. At present Chinese model of Islam is the only viable solution for the world (read “World must adopt Chinese model of Islam”,

Islamic cancer has to be treated in totality incl its ideology of hate against non-Muslims spelt out in Quran & Hadith. The ideal way is to keep Muslim population <5% and prevent their habitats becoming Islamic ghettos. Most important is to prevent their proliferation. Mandate one father, two child as norm because they often indulge in polygamy. Their tacit acts of conversion to Islam must be kept under check. They also often provide shelter to illegal migrants. All democratic & secular nations must ensure that Muslims are prevented from changing their religious demography.

Exhibition of identity whether through beards, burqa/hijab, turn-out or annoyance of neighbour through namaz in public places, loud azans etc must be prevented. Since Jihad is one of the 7 tenets of Islam, they should be kept under strict vigilance and mob-mentality must be defeated. Their mosques are often the places of preparing, propagating and fomenting group violence. Law & order agency must keep an eye on it.

Last but not least, should be the treatment of the root-cause, the causative factor for the prevention of this disease. It is well known that the source of Islamic hate & intolerance lay in their book Quran & Hadith. Some of the Quranic verses even violate the fundamental rights of the non-Muslims ( read “Gross violation of Fundamental Rights”, All non-Islamic nations must amend its hate content or ban its preaching (read “Islamic Hate & Intolerance: Treat the Disease not Symptoms”, Some of these measure seem trivial but are important. 

The Bottomline

The recent hooliganism and disregard for law & order by the British Muslims confirms that the other communities may have to fend for themselves against these radicals. Police may not come to their assistance in-time, in dire needs. Hence, they must prepare to pick-up arms if the local police fails to protect them. Islam was imposed first on Arabian Tribes of 7th century where barbarism prevailed. Hence, they have several principles and practices incompatible with civilised societies. The Islamic cancer on the British soil is there to stay. Who will know better than India that had to severe its own territories of the medieval Gandhar, Sind and Bengal due to Islamic Cancer. It is up to the British administration to choose whether they want to be corroded/eaten-up by the ever ever-proliferating Islamic cancer or get rid of it to have a peaceful existence through various measures suggested above.

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