I-N-D-I-A of Thugs? (Part-3)

I-N-D-I-A of Thugs ? (Part-3)

The previous parts 1 & 2 of this articles were published in the previous months. Those articles deliberated in details of the theft, thuggery, scam, extortion, radicalism and Jihad committed by the individual components (political parties) or the gangs of the alliance of the thugs (read I-N-D-I-A of Thugs ? parts 1 & 2, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/i-n-d-i-a-of-thugs-part-1/; and https://thecounterviews.com/articles/i-n-d-i-a-of-thugs-part-2/).

Those two parts broadly covered the following characteristics of the individual political eliments of the so-called INDI alliance in the following ways:-

  • That Chors, Thugs, Scamsters, Extortionists, radicals and Jihadists are part of alliance.
  • That they have come together for self-centered reasons of evading corruption investigation, and trying to negate the image of most corrupt govt the UPA.
  • That there is Modi govt which has worked in the interest of the poor, backwards, dalits, to impart at least the basic needs that they lacked since independence. They have been empowered for the first time now. This is one single most fear that binds all non-performers together to forms an alliance of gangs which denied rights to the people during their governance.
  • That the alliance is formed with a single moto: to prevent Modi govt that has transformed India in just 9 yrs. They are all scared of this fact. Hence, fake narratives are being manufactured by the fraudsters.

Why INDI Alliance is considered a gang of Chors, Thugs, Scamsters, Extortionists, Radicals and Jihadists have been amply dealt with in parts 1 & 2 of the articles mentioned above. Those were the considerations on the party lines for the corrupt (INC, RJD, TMC, SP, AAP and NCP) and bigoted radical groups of politicians to join hands who hate Hindus as their basic policies (DMK, IUML, PDP). Besides the above, there is an anti-India lobby of Communists too who dance to the anti-India tunes of China and have their cadres apparently supporting the Naxal/Maoist movements. All these political parties stand exposed today for their nefarious acts and that has been hurting their very survival in Democratic India where they need peoples’ electoral support depleting in the last few elections. This has brought all these political parties on one platform.

The next visibility the gangs of the corrupts are gaining is that they are desperate to evade investigation against the ongoing corruptions against them. The myth is broken that politicians cannot be punished. Many are going to jail. Most of the UPA partners are neck deep in corruption and somewhat want to shed away. They were champions of raining scams, a to z of corruption. They want to change their name although their mantra of loot-India continues. Many call this new name as old toxins/poisons in new bottle renamed and marketed as ‘elixir’ by the vastly experts of corruption. They naming themselves as INDIA case dealt a blow to the faiths of the voters and both the Supreme Court of India and the Modi govt have done no good either to feign ignorance. Just for example, take the title of this article “I-N-D-I-A of Chors & Thugs?”…although it is a shame for India but the gangs of I-N-D-I-A are mightily happy to have gained some relief from their old tainted name of UPA even if at the cost of national character and loss of pride.

In this alliance of I-N-D-I-A, attempts are being made to encourage several false narratives of high inflation, growing unemployment, India becoming poorer, democracy under threat, atrocities on backward castes & minorities, undermining of institutions, polarizing society and so on. All these are directed against Modi Govt by the likes of Congress and others, hyperactive on social media. Communists, their urban Naxals disguised as Pseudoliberals, Islamist forces and their supporters disguised as pseudo-seculars along with some other international agencies like Amnesty International etc are also with them, supporting fake narratives (read “We the People and Pseudo-Seculars of India”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/we-the-people-pseudo-seculars-of-india/). Showing India below Pakistan/Afghanistan in ‘Global Hunger Index’ and ‘Communal peace’ have been their handiwork of shame India. Most of these narratives are blatant lies. When they say that India has regressed in global economic platform under Modi, it is exactly opposite of the facts. Modi Govt has elevated Indian economy from fragile five (at no.10) in 2014 to the brightest spot of fastest growing in the world (at no. 5) despite the pandemic.

Oppositions’ another fake narrative is their claims of growing inflation. This lie too is falling flat against the fact that the inflation rate esp post-pandemics, is among the lowest in India as compared to most major economies. Their lies that more people have become poor is a glaring fakery in the light of the leading world agencies and Niti Ayog statistics showing that over 13 Cr poor have been helped by the govt to come over the poverty line. Yet, another lies of Congress & opposition that under Modi govt unemployment has been exaggerated, is glaring. It is a fact that many unorganized sectors had closed during the Covid pandemic but most have restarted to employ casual workers. Further, more than 35 Cr people have taken MUDRA easy bank loans to start self-employments and in several cases, even providing job to others. It is well known that the number of govt jobs in public sectors are limited and the various State Govts have failed miserably in creating jobs (read “विपक्षी राज्य सरकारें निकम्मी हैं; मोदी सबको रोजगार दे”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/incompetent-opposition-ruled-state-govt-modi-to-give-employment/).

Financial assistance for Self-employment started by Modi govt’s “MUDRA” Yojna has been a stunning success in providing livelihood in an era when jobs were limited and the contemporary Union Govts of Manmohan Singh (UPA-I & II) or the various previous govts had left the India mass-population dying of hunger and malnourishment amidst growing population. Under such circumstances, Modi’s MUDRA Yojna clearly provided livelihood to over 50 Cr beneficiaries many of whom also offered jobs to others. It is true that Modi govt is reluctant to work out a clear possibility of providing jobs to all and making it part of the fundamental rights by the govt (read “Employment for All Indians: A Possibility”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/employment-for-all-indians-a-possibility/). Today, the maximum unemployment is in Rajasthan, Bihar, Bengal and some other opposition ruled States which is clearly the failures of those State Govts as mentioned in the previous reference. However, they all united in the guise of I_N_D_I_A to lump out their own failures to Modi Govt as seen in their social media posts shown below. All these are happening despite the pressure of ongoing population rise to the tune of annual ~60 lakh new job-seekers.

Apparently, one good thing has happened to the alliance that they are dominating the social media platforms by the repetition of similar-looking, apparently false or incorrect narratives. Congress (both at centre level as well as the States), RJD, AAP, Samajwadi along with their toolkits (like Bolta Hindustan, Molitics etc) are the major campaigners. In addition, most prominent Congress leaders have lent their Twitter IDs to the party media handlers otherwise they couldn’t have twitted in languages they don’t speak be it Tharoor, Kharge, Shivakumar, Siddaramaiah, Bhupesh Baghel or someone else. Further, those Cong leaders who earlier used to tweet once in every 1-3 days, are now sending 10s of posts daily. Surely, Cong media in-charge is handling their IDs. Their posts are nearly 50 times more than the social media posts of BJP whose allies seldom have social media presence. No one from BJP or NDA is able to counter the disinformation campaign run by INDI alliance. This of course, excludes the individual posts of the Cong leaders.

Hindi tweets of Tharoor

Hindi tweets of Tharoor

The alliance of the opposition parties finds it convenient to yell the lies unitedly in louder voice, through the 26 mouths of the newly formed I-N-D-I alliance, often termed in social media as 26-headed Ravan of today (shown below)…be it on the lies mentioned above or false narratives of polarization, dividing societies, persecuting minorities, yielding Indian territories to China, belittling the independent Institutions, safeguard Indian constitution, and the likes of.

They have gone shameless to the extent of even using some of the retired soldiers with fake/false narratives. It must be realized that there are some senior officers from Armed Forces who have sold their conscience and integrity to become spokespersons of Congress as shown below. They are believed to be paid highly and don’t hesitate in going public to suit opposition narratives. Clearly, the opposition alliance is dominating the social media platforms that BJP/NDA has no plans to rebut.

Ex-officers of Armed Forces believed to have sold their integrities

A glance on Twitter may indicate that Modi govt is down and out but his opponents don’t realise that when one’s performance on ground speaks, all false narratives take back seat or fall flat. Modi govt’s people-centric policies with the implementation reaching the last man of the society speak a lot and that is a worrisome pointer against I-N-D-I alliance. It could be a strategy of Modi to remain non-vocal for the time being and let the Indian public realise for themselves that the alliance of thugs are lying and running a disinformation campaign against Modi. It may be Modi tactics that once the elections are announced, the various media team of NDA will be ready with counter-offensive against the thugs.

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