UNRWA committing Crimes against Israel

In Israel-Hamas War, UNRWA-UNHRC-UNSC are Losing Public Trust

Revealing of the facts of employees of UN Relief Work Agencies (UNRWA) of Gaza having participated in 7th Oct 2023 inhuman attacks on Israeli territories committing heinous crimes like rape, murder, taking hostage of innocent civilians and using them to blackmail Israeli govt to release Islamic Jihadists in Israeli jails, has created retching in the abdomen of every human being in the world. Only the people (like Jihadists & Terrorists) are trying to find a reason in such attack that even UN Secretary General (UNSG) Mr Antonio Guterres was trying to justify saying “it did not happen in vacuum”. Of course, there was worldwide condemnation of the UNSG with numerous calls for his resignation. A large number of the world leaders felt betrayed that Mr Guterres was apparently working / speaking / acting on behalf of the Jihadists & Terrorists (read “UNRWA of Jihadists & Terrorists”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/unrwa-of-jihadists-and-terrorists-their-supporters-and-sympathisers/ and “Guterres, the worst UNSG, must resign”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/antonio-guterres-the-worst-unsg-must-resign/). Worst was the revealing of the fact that most of the UN/UNRWA/UNHRC workers knew of this fact but none spoke of it. UNRWA in Gaza knows all it. They know of about 50-odd UNRWA employees having participated in the 7th Oct 23 heinous crimes in Israel some of whose names are mentioned in the figure below. It is horrendous as to how Islamic religious teachers, clerics, social workers and verious other groups of people living on the salary of the UN, participated in such crime. Today every statement, social media post of UNRWA seems hollow claims as if they are working for the cause of Islamic Terrorists & Jihadists.

Some of the URWA terrorists

UNRWA’s Affiliations with Islamic Terror Organisations

After the truth of UNRWA employees participating in jihadi attack in Israel on 7th Oct 23 was revealed, this agency is a highly suspect under the UN. UNRWA keeps posting exaggerated deaths and griefs of the Hamas & Palestinians BUT speaks nothing of the Israeli hostages kept in their vicinities of which most of them are aware of. It is another truth that most of the Gaza population is either the cadres of Hamas, United Jihad Council (UJC) or their supporters and sympathisers (read “Who are innocent civilian Palestinians?”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/are-palestinians-innocent/). It is extremely difficult to say as to who is the innocent civilian in Gaza except those of the very young children not radicalised as yet. Today most in UNRWA, UN Human Rights Commission and the UN Security council are trying to blame Israel BUT none is talking of the Hamas Accountabilities (read “UN/UNSC Endorsing evil’s Rights”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/un-unsc-endorsing-devil-s-right/ and “Gaza: Ignored Accountabilities of Hamas Administration”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/gaza-ignored-accountability-of-hamas-administration/).

There is one more fact that is causing a general mistrust in the UN agencies. Most of the nations receiving relief and aid are the Islamic nations, inflicting pains to others whether believers of other religions/faiths or other Islamic sects. It is their jihad, a religious war that their Quran is asking them to fight for. These jihadists/terrorists have no dearth of funds for buying arms and ammunition BUT they want the UN bodies to provide food, relief or aid to their nationals thru’ the UN sponsored agencies for Aid & Relief or Food (read “O Foolish World! Feed us free while we commit Jihad”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/o-world-you-feed-me-free-while-i-mount-jihad/).

Coming back to the UNRWA’s associations with Islamic Terror Organisations, it is a serious issue. All employees of UNRWA must undergo a thorough transparent investigation for their association/affiliations with Hamas/Hezbollah/UJC or other Islamic Terror outfits. Today there are over 175 Terror Organisations in the world affiliated to several nations. It is also known that most of these terrorist organisations are interlinked with each other, all having affiliations to Quran/Hadith. Hence, punishing/proscribing one terrorist group and giving clean chit to the others will never work. In the Middle-East itself, there are several terrorist groups like Hamas, UJC, Hezbollah (nearly a dozen of it), Houtis, Al-Qaida, ISIS, ISIL and numerous others. Most of these Jihadi groups are either state sponsored, state funded or receive concealed contribution through International Jihad Council or their shady Hawala agencies. Almost all of the 47 Islamic nations are funding/assisting one or more of the Jihadi organisations. Most Islamic nations and major part of world’s Muslims feel it is their legitimate right to fund Jihadi activities anywhere in the world overtly or covertly. Overtly is by sending Jihadists like Pakistan (in Afghanistan & India), Iran (in Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Iraq etc), Turkey (in Azerbaijan), Saudi funding to Al Qaida & ISIS, Qatar funding various Sunni outfits around the world, Pakistan funding Jaish, LeT and several other nations indulging in supporting dreaded jihadi organisations like Boko-Haram, Al Shabab, etc etc. Covert support to the terror organisations are by virtue of funding through Hawala money-laundering; very little of which may catch the FATF lens.

After UNRWA workers have been implicated in the 7th Oct 23 Jihadist attack in Israel, many nations have rightly suspended funding unless complete investigation is done. This is a good step but numerous many suspect if Muslims carrying out such investigations against jihadi agencies would be fair in their approaches. It is believed that UNRWA chief at the UN is trying to hush-up the investigation under OIC pressure.

Involvement of UNHRC/UNSC in promoting Islamic Terror

It has been known for a long that UNHRC has become a puppet of the OIC, often dancing to their tunes for whatever reasons. It is a well-known fact that there are wide-ranging rights violations in Theocratic Islamic nations that seldom find mention in the annual UNHRC reports. In nations like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kosovo, Nigeria, Congo etc, the Jihadist groups force the believers of other faiths to flee for their lives. These jihadist groups are committing genocide after genocides but the UN bodies are mutely watching (read “Muted UNHRC response encouraging repeated Islamic Genocides”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/muted-unhrc-response-encouraging-islamic-genocide/) and (“UNHRC becoming increasingly irrelevant”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/un-human-rights-commission-becoming-increasingly-irrelevant/). Just recently, all Hindus & Sikhs have undergone complete genocide in Afghanistan in 2021 by Taliban BUT the UN/UNHRC/UNSC remained silent.

In the context of the ongoing conflict in Gaza, all Islamic forces seem to have united in condemning Israel fighting for its existence but not uttering a word for the inhuman acts of Hamas of 7th Oct 23 that caused a wide-scale retaliation. While all Human Rights workers of Gaza are busy day & night reporting of Israel actions to punish Hamas, none are interested in reporting of the welfare and release of Israeli hostages. Most if not all UNHRC efforts have been to condemn Israel and enforce permanent ceasefire in Gaza but none speak of resolving its root cause of Hamas inhuman acts. The same are the position of even the UNSC (read “UN/UNSC Endorsing Devil’s Rights”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/un-unsc-endorsing-devil-s-right/). 


In summary, it is unfortunate that UNRWA receiving huge sum of money donated by world bodies since its foundation, has turned out a black sheep. It seems involved in helping the jihadists & terrorists in carrying out their nefarious acts. The world is realising that Islamists the world over cannot be trusted upon. Whether through direct or indirect means, they are likely to indulge in committing or supporting radical Islamic activities that encourage regional as well as global Islamic terrorism. It is unfortunate that UN and its various agencies are infiltrated by the Islamists in supporting those jihadists. All these must cease henceforth.

It is the prime responsibility of the various UN agencies to address the basic cause of the current Israel-Hamas war. Once their involvement has come to light in Gaza, they must be investigated fully by non-Muslims before any further relief & aid is resumed. It is becoming increasingly apparent that all Muslim or Islamic agencies baring a few exceptions, are speaking and acting in partisan, supporting Jihadist organisations and opposing Israeli rights.

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