Pappu Rocket

Rahul Gandhi No Longer a ‘Pappu’ ?

Personal Incompetence of Rahul Gandhi

In the recent months some of the political experts and pundits have expressed ‘Rahul Gandhi is no more a Pappu’ that started waves of debates. People have re-started trying to judge him that all recent attempts to project him a serious politician may be another attempt by the Congress party to re-launch him as their leader knowing very well that past many of their attempts have failed. People had started believing that you may take a donkey to water but can’t make it drink too. Some had said that one may flog a donkey a numerous whip but can’t make it run a race with horses and win too. Congress has been putting a lot of stake on him but surely a nation of >140 Cr people don’t consider him as a viable leader and his recent stint as leader of Opposition (LoP) has been disastrous with immaturity, unreliability at galore (read “नेता विपक्ष की झूठ और मक्कारी”, 

Rahul Gandhi’s Foot-in-Mouth Disease

Congress Party of India has been at the crossroads of politics on both intrinsic and extrinsic fronts for several years. Intrinsic, because there is a deep sense of exasperation and suffocation among several seasoned party leaders that the party is on a path to self-destruction. This made many leaders to quit; and also fears of split in the party were visible. However, success in the recent election even if limited, saved the party from immediate split. Extrinsic struggle because several congressmen feel that the party has deviated from its path of ‘Indian cause’ and is marred in several ills of anti-India, anti-people and anti-Hindu rhetorics (read “Rahul Gandhi’s Foot in Mouth Disease”, 

Rahul Gandhi’s Dis-respect towards Hindu & Hinduism

Despite being member of parliament for nearly 20 yrs, Rahul Gandhi is a shady character with different names, credentials and identities in different countries. He has been fooling the nation with varying names, religions and castes. This Parsi boy by birth (as depicted in the genetic chart below) calls himself a Hindu-Brahmin without adopting Hinduism and visits the Sanctum-Sanctorum of several revered temples that should have been prohibited. Rahul Gandhi and his Congress party have always discredited Hindu and Hinduism on major platforms. He has close tie-up with political/religious figures who abuse Hindus in the likes of DMK/IUML leaders and radical religious figures like George Ponappa and extremist Islamic leaders of IUML/Furfura Shareef (read “Congress loses conscience, allies with radicals”, 

Rahul Gandhi's Genetics

Disregarding sensitivities of Hindu majority, he openly claims that he is fighting against the “Shakti of Hinduism” which is none other than Goddess Durga. He has likened Hindus equivalent to Egyptian radical group of ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ and several other Congress leaders have likened it to Taliban and other Jihadi Tanzeems (read “Ideologically bankrupt Congress party of today”, Had Hindus possessed even slightest of intolerance like what Muslims do, he would have been lynched and killed in public for blasphemy and insults to Hinduism. His manifestation of childish behaviors, being naïve and non-serious politician, an immature and impulsive leader with inflated dynastic ego, indulging in numerous conflicting utterances, talking nonsense and above all, projecting himself with political grandeur among some other traits, made one of his own party leaders (either Siddhu or Imran) conferring him the nickname of ‘Pappu’. In fact, he and his Congress party has become a burden & liability on the nation (read “Congress and India, an unhealthy Collusion”,

Pappu a Liability for Congress Party

Congress party has paid a heavy price of having a leader in Rahul Gandhi having had several crash landings after every launches. Under him, the party lost 3 Union Elections and numerous State elections. His immature and insulting behavior has compelled several trusted, experienced and seasoned party leaders to exit. At a time when he was being publicly criticized for poor leadership, he planned the much hyped “Bharat Jodo Yatra” at monumental cost to boost own image. In a nation that was strongly united under PM Modi, Rahul Gandhi’s gimmick of ‘yatra-politics’ didn’t work and Congress badly lost the State elections in Hindi heartland and the Northeast (read राहुल गाँधी, कांग्रेस की पप्पूपंथी और विपक्षी एकता “

Opposition parties realized that their UPA cannot defeat Modi govt hence, made an all-India alliance of all opposition parties termed I.N.D.I.A, most of whom having tainted images and conflicting interests with a sole aim to defeat Modi govt in 2024 Lok Sabha elections. They created many fake narratives against Modi govt yelling thru loud cries BUT people understood their ‘Thuggery’ and voted NDA again with comfortable majority (read “Rahul Gandhi: The Best in Fabricating Lies & Dis-information”, However, the group of 26-odd ‘Thug Parties’ couldn’t dent Modi govt in which BJP couldn’t get majority on their own. Congress in South and SP in UP were major gainer. Rahul Gandhi did become the Leader of Opposition (LoP) propelled by the INDI-alliance BUT his childish acts in parliament and repeated scolding by the Speaker confirms that he is still a Pappu

The Bottom lines

Rahul Gandhi despite being Member of Parliament (MP) for 20-odd years, remains a political naïve and a burden for Congress party. His childish behavior non-commensurate with is position in his party as well as in the parliament made some to give a new name of “Pappu”. He and his party tried hard to ward-off that insulting name thru’ various exercises that included his numerous launching attempts, costly conduct of the so-called “Bharat Jodo yatra”, his courtiers trying to boost his image from international platforms and so on… However, his ‘foot-in-mouth’ disease let him down every time. He has become a liability for his party as well as the nation indulging in anti-national rants. Most of political experts & pundits consider that he was a Pappu on induction to politics and remains so even now. 

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