Exodus of Pandits

Looking Back at Ralive, Tsalive ya Galive : January 1990 Genocide of Kashmiri Pandits


The events of 19 Jan 1990 in Kashmir have seriously challenged the possibility of any peaceful living of the followers of Indian religions with the fellow Muslims. It has refreshed the pains of partition of India when a large sections of the communities of Indian religions were forced to flee from Pakistan and about ~18% of those who did not migrate, were made to perish by now…converted, fled or killed. This is the fact sheet of Muslim majority states…be it Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh or elsewhere…where non-Muslim religious minorities cannot live with pride and honour…unlike India where Minorities not only live with pride but they are threatening the peace-loving majority community and increasingly making them a minority in own homeland. Genocidal Jihadi events of Jan 1990 made millions of Kashmiri Pandits, the refugees in own homeland. Not a single neighbourly Muslim friend could extend a helping hand to their fellow Pandits of reassurance. On the contrary, they advised them to flee Kashmir. In recent years and decade, none of the fellow Muslim brethren wants their return to their own homes. This is because they have grabbed their properties either for free or at a throw-away price in the days of their grief and are reluctant to part with them. In today’s Jammu & Kashmir when article 370 has been abrogated and there are increasing possibilities of return of its Pandits and with that, return of peace; terrorists both Pakistani and homegrown, are striking the Hindu and Sikhs once again...to discourage them from settling in the valley.

Threats, Decimation & Genocide of Kashmiri Pandits

After the defeat of Pakistan in 1971 Indo-Pak war, the latter hatched a conspiracy to sever Kashmir from India on carefully plotted Islamic ideological approach. Pakistan acquired sympathy of the Islamic countries and radical Islamic plot against minority Pandits were started in the 1980s. Mullahs started serving highly divisive Khutbas at the Friday prayers. Pandits and other Hindus including security forces and the military started being called outsider Indians. Isolated smaller congregations of Kashmiris were occasionally addressed by Pak-leaning politicians and the JKLF militants both of Pakistani and Kashmiri origins. Occasional threats used to be issued against non-Muslim inhabitants.

In the PoK part of India forcibly occupied by Pakistan, Kashmiri Hindus, Sikhs and Pandits were decimated by local radical Muslims groups over the subsequent years. That was the grudge of many radical Kashmiri Muslims as to why a handful Pandits, the original inhabitants, remained in Kashmir. In the late 1980s, at the behest of their masters in Pakistan, they resumed their hate against non-Muslims, instilling fear by killings in a crescendo. After many Pandit leaders were killed in terrorist attacks from 1988, the then Panther Party leader Bhim Singh was offered assistance and support by the Indian Hindu orgnisations but he denied saying Kashmiri Muslims were their brethren and will never betray them. The writing of the betrayal was very much on the walls making them flee as witnessed on 19 Jan 1990. For the sake of making narrative, Kashmiri Muslims say that the genocide was orchestrated by JKLF…BUT…they too originated among them, out of their hate against the fellow Pandits. The fact is that most of the Kashmiri Muslims colluded in this genocide whether directly or indirectly. The few humans among the beasts had no courage to stand against the devils.

A lot many people of prominence have dwelt at length of the slogan “Insaniyat, Kashmiriyat and Jamhuriat” (meaning humanity, empathy for fellow Kashmiri and the democracy) but seldom does anyone know that those words are mere fancy quotes of the fancied leaders after the genocide of fellow Pandits in 1990. When Bharat Ratna Bajpayee used those words in 1999-2000, he must have known that relevance of those words were dead long before. Some Kashmiri Muslims, unarguably the radicals, along with their Pakistani conspirators had hatched a conspiracy in the late 1980s with the local militant group JKLF, to betray their Hindu Brethren. It is so cruel that many of those Pandits had sheltered numerous fellow Muslims on own land, in own neighborhood, out of sheer compassion for them…but they betrayed their faith when they needed their help and assistance the most.

Ralive, Tsalive ya Galive

On 19 Jan 1990, the radical Muslim neighbours of the Pandits in Kashmir colluded with their JKLF and their Pakistani handlers with a dire threat…”Ralive, Tsalive ya Galive” meaning convert to Islam, flee or die. Further, in order to add salt to the wounds, the youths of the neighborhood added another narrative…’leave your women (for us)’ as if the humanity among them were dead. All mosques across the length and breadth of Kashmir continued playing loudspeakers with threats by the Mullahs to their local Pandits from 19 Jan 1990 onwards, both live and recorded. All local Muslims witnessed it happening in silence, none objecting. It was a feeling that Kashmir valley had suddenly become a land of devils, of ideology that is full of hate, intolerance, bigotry and fascism against the followers of other religions and faiths the world over (Islamic hate, intolerance, bigotry and fascism; https://articles.thecounterviews.com/articles/islamic-intolerance-bigotry-fascism-global-caliphate/).

Not only was their Insaniyat (humanity) dead but their acts also dealt a death nail to the empathy of dealing with a fellow Kashmiri Pandits (the Kashmiriyat). Hence, before Bajpayee gave that slogan, he would have known as PM that those were hollow slogans. Today when Muslim leaders like Abdullahs or Mehbooba try to invoke those hollow words, they are committing murders of their own consciences…because all of them know that they themselves or their fathers were inhuman, when they betrayed the faith of their fellow Kashmiri, the Pandits. It may be worth mentioning here that such barbarism in Islam is no isolated events. In 2014-15 we have witnessed ISIS adopted exactly the same ploy against the hapless Yezidis.

Any sensible secular Indian may feel bad that Kashmiri Muslims of those years behaved like devils. It is a fact that they instilled fears in the minds of the fellow Pandits; making them to flee to save lives and honors of their families. Most of the non-Muslims fled from the valley except a handful of brave Sikhs who chose to stay back. As such the threat calls were for the Pandits and the Sikhs of the valley felt they may be spared, left unharmed. The Sikhs too had faced murders of men and dishonour of their women by the Pakistani Muslim invaders in 1947; and the reluctance of fellow Muslim neighbours to come to their help. The Sikhs fully knew that Muslims were untrustworthy. Yet, they made a conscious decision to stay back and paid heavy price with numerous lives lost to the Islamic betrayal and terrorism. Similarly, a small bunch of ‘well to do’ Kashmiri Pandits of Nadimarg living together stayed back but paid heavily when 24 of them incl women and children, were lined up in front of their house and shot dead point blank on 23 March 2003. It was believed that some 38 neighbours and policemen were complicit but none were punished; not even produced before the court. There are several such instances when the non-Muslims of Kashmir were killed by the Islamic terrorists of both Paki and Kashmir origins. No Muslim neighbours ever came to their help and assistance.

Killings of Sikhs and Pandits

1990 Conspiracy of Mufti-Abdullah-Pakistan

The response of the Union and State govts in the period that led to Pandits’ genocide was utterly pathetic. Mufti Mohamed, a Kashmiri himself, was the Home Minister of India and Farooq Abdulla the Chief Minister. These two allowed the law and order of the state to be compromised and deteriorate to the extent that there were whispers that the two had colluded with Pakistani handlers of JKLF, towards a greater aim of ‘Azadi to Kashmir’. It is believed that Abdullah had allegedly whispered to the JKLF and the local radicals before resigning, “I have brought Azadi to your doorstep; now you grab it”. Unfortunately for them, PM / President of India could possibly smell the rats and changed the incompetent state governor overnight and imposed President’s rule.

New Governor, Shri Jagmohan had a huge task of saving the lives and honours of the Pandits. There were only a handful of troops in the valley and article 370 did not permit the Union Govt to rush in the military without a nod from the local govt headed by CM Abdullah. Hence, he decided to evacuate the Pandits under immense threats, out of the valley. Amidst the continuous chants from loud-speakers atop all mosques in Kashmir of “Ralive, Tsalive ys Galive” all Pandits preferred the option to be evacuated with a hope that they could return some days after the situation normalised. However, the Kashmiri Muslims have not been kind. Seldom any Kashmiri Muslim wished the Pandits to return back. They have become refugees in own home land, with their lands and other assets grabbed by the Muslims. Every event of this tragedy stinks of a deep rooted conspiracy of Mufti-Abdullah-Pakistan.

The Present Spurt of Violence

In the recent years after the abrogation of article 370, imposition of curfew undoubtedly gave no scope to the radical and terrorist elements to indulge in any nefarious activities. However, after the curfew was lifted, internet services restored, political leaderships freed from the house arrests, the terrorism slowly restarted and revived. Pakistan tried all efforts to meddle in but failed. However, after the Talibani victory on Afghanistan, Pakistan has started a new agenda…of asking the radical elements of the valley to follow Talibani principles. They have revived scores of terrorist launch pads across the LoC and pushing the terrorists in J&K. Govt of India knows very well about the launch pads yet has failed to take proactive measures to neutralise those terrorist on the pretext that it will violate the cease-fire agreement with Pak. It defies all logic of Indian counter-terror ops. Very fact that unduly long counter-terror Ops are being sustained by the terrorist, it is for sure that they are getting replenishments/supplements…food, water, ammo…from some local sources. These local sympathisers must also be identified and dealt with firmly.

The terrorists have now started targeting BJP/Cong village representatives of Mukhiya and Sarpanch, Hindu citizen, Sikh, vendors from other states running small business…to create a fear factor once again. It is unfortunate that a major chunk of Muslim youths is being brainwashed for decades to give away their lives for Islam…and they are convinced through Mullahs that such cowardly acts serve the purpose of Islam. It is very unfortunate and need to be curbed. We know Quran contains many verses that justify violence against non-Muslims and teaching Quran to young children surely sows the seeds of intolerance and radicalism very early at their tender age.

Resolving radicalism/terrorism in Kashmir

Justice must be ushered to the original natives, the Pandits. They have to be brought back to the valley at Govt’s cost; with full security provided to them. More importantly, the local Muslims must change their apathy towards them and return their looted lands and other assets.

There is no doubt that Pakistan, their ISI and their 4th wing of Army…the Jihadists…have been sponsoring terrorism in the Kashmir valley. They keep pushing those terrorists through the thick jungles along LoC. Indian govt must not allow those infiltrations and start proactive measure to kill or neutralise the terrorists in their launch pads itself. Undoubtedly the local separatists and radical groups are also involved, who become conduit for the Pak sponsored terror activities. It is wrong to assume that these radicals and sympathisers are working only for money. Not at all. Many of them are from well to do families, well-educated and even professionals, who indulge in terror, in the name of Islam. Hence, all means of radicalising the children and youth, must be identified and curbed.

Quranic education may be banned for children below the age of 16…just like in China. It is fanning radicalism in their tender minds. It may be worth recalling that Kashmiri Muslim leaders like Dr Farooq Abdullah and Ms Mehbooba Mufti have repeatedly praised China. It may also be prudent for the Govt of India to set-up a commission of renowned academicians, religious educationists and reformists to review the religious literatures of all religions and remove/amend the content that could be considered causing intolerance/radicalism/ terrorism against the fellow Indians. It is well known that many of the verses in Manusmriti preach discrimination against fellow Hindu castes. Similarly, many verses in Quran (as shown) and Hadith teach intolerance against the followers of faiths/religions other than Islam. In a screening carried out in France following the Jihadi attack on the teacher, many of the mosques had employed highly radicalised and unauthorised Mullahs from radicalised nations. In many states of Europe, the Qhutba read during the Friday sermons in the mosques are pre-screened that it contains no hate/intolerance preaching. It may be worth scanning Mullahs in our mosques too for their foreign links.

Some progressive Muslim thinkers and scholars of Islam had approached Supreme Court of India to remove/amend 26 verses of Quran that are believed to be causing Islamic radicalism (Is Quran a source of Hate and Intolerance? https://articles.thecounterviews.com/articles/is-quran-a-source-of-hate-and-intolerance/). As it often happens, the courts only understand the languages of elite advocates and unfortunately the appellant could not afford one such elite lawyer. As a result, the case was dismissed. Govt of India may authorise its Solicitor General to take-up this burning issue once again.

26 Quranic verses of hate & intolerance

It is also known from Islamic preachers that Muslims regard Islam above nation. This must be corrected. There could be nothing above motherland, the nation. A verse may be inserted somewhere in Quran / Hadith that reminds every nationals that the nation comes first and then only anything else incl one’s religion.

Govt of India must make a policy decision that could bring all religions on the level-playing field. For example, if Islam authorises Jihad against actions considered by them as un-Islamic, then Hindus or Christians also be permitted to adopt similar punitive measures. Presently there is no level playing field for peace loving religions vis-à-vis Islam having the weapon of deadly Jihad. This of course, runs the risk of eye for eye; terror for terror.

Religious preaching and occasional conversions may be acceptable provided it does not incite unrest in society. Provision must also be made to prevent the change in the religious demography of India under any circumstances. This must be done at the earliest even if it may need the constitutional amendments. This alone will reassure the native Indian religion that they do not run the risk of becoming a minority under Muslims, the outcome of which could be fatal. Last but not the least, enough hatred have been indulged against each other communities since Jihadi terror started in the late 80s. It is believed that many of the places of worships have been converted into arms & ammunition stores to indulge in the frenzy of riots. Home ministry may get all places of worships searched for arms/ammunitions wherever there is suspicion. India was a peace-loving nation and all efforts must be made to re-establish the much needed inter-community peace.

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