Jihadi attack Israel

UN Indifference to Recent Islamic Atrocities

Questionable Combination of Indulgent Islam and Indifferent UN

United Nations came to existence with aims and objectives essentially preventing another world war along with some other provisions. However, the bitter truth is that the world has been going through a series of wars, conflicts, state sponsored & aided terrorism and violence…some as primary occurrence and others as retaliatory. The result is before us today. There is Israel-Hamas war as a consequence of Arab hatred against Jews of Israel both in territorial and ideological forms. There is a territorial war between Russia and Ukraine with potentials to escalate to nuclear dooms. Syria has been doomed under power games of the world bigwigs. Azerbaijan has been imposing its will on Nagorno-Karabakh. Iran is trying to ignite sectarian wars in the Middle East and West Asia. Taliban has just completed a complete genocide of Sikhs & Hindus in Afghanistan. M23 is busy carrying out genocide of African tribes and Christians in Congo. Recurrent gruesome abduction & murders by Boko-Haram, Al-Shabab and numerous other Islamic Jihadists are ever increasing with possibility of a retaliation thus leading to major genocides in many nations…both Islamic and non-Islamic. Islamists of the world are leading the rot, causing conflicts in 1/3rd of the nations in the world and the UN/UNSC/UNHRC being a major stumbling block, remaining indifferent to numerous Islamic genocides and nidus for more conflicts. Clearly, indifference of the UN/UNSC has brought the world close to yet another World War the precursor of which is visible in the Middle East. 

United Nations Human Rights council (UNHRC) founded in 2006 under the UNGA is the main intergovernmental body responsible for promotion and protection of the human rights in the entire world esp those of the 193-odd member states of the UN. It claims to prevent racial discrimination and protect individual and group rights under civil, economic, socio-cultural and some other categories, especially claiming to champion the rights of the minorities. Thanks to the flawed policies of UNHRC, the biased body of the UN/UNSC are unable to protect the rights of the non-P5 members esp the non-aligned and weaker states (read “Highly Biased Human Rights Council”,https://thecounterviews.in/articles/highly-biased-un-human-rights-council/).

Lot many individuals, communities and nations feel that UN, UNSC and UNHRC have become hostage to the P5 hegemony as well as stronger groups of nations. These groups such as OIC, EU, NATO or the other unions of States seem to exert significant influence on them. Further, there are groups of weaker/poor member nations who are arm-twisted by stronger nations…on the basis of economic, geo-political or cultural influences of the stronger ones.

Presently, the UN, UNSC works through its power blocks having biases. In the recent years and decades it helplessly witnessed human sufferings in Gaza, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria, Nagorno-Karabakh, Yemen, Iraq, Sudan, Eritrea and several other nations demolished by the powerful military blocks (read “Failure of the UN in Ensuring World Peace”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/failure-of-the-un-ensuring-world-peace/). Violence against innocent civilians is being committed with impunity through wars, conflicts, terrorism or atrocities; either targeted or through collateral loss of lives, dignity or livelihoods. Several Asian and African nations are in tatters in the misplaced power projections of the bigwigs and terrorists, some perpetrated by a group of nations.

Islamic atrocities & Genocides

Let us forget for time being the numerous genocides Islam has committed right from its inception (of Arabian tribes, Christians, Jews, Parsis, Hindus, Buddhists, African tribes etc) but it will be a crime to close eyes to the on-going ones. At present, the Human Rights of the religious minorities have taken a back stage in the proxy wars of the >175 Jihadi Tanzeems acclaimed non-State actors by the indulgent Islamic nations but actively supported by their military/administration through men, materials and funding. Today, nearly 1/3rd of the world is suffering with Islamic Terrorism promoted / sponsored by radical nations against other religions/faiths or against other sects of Islam itself. It has become a joke that many such terror-sponsoring nations have plenty of guns and explosives but claim their citizens suffering from hunger; expecting UN-sponsored World Food Program to feed them (read “O Foolish World, You Must Feed me for Free While I Commit Jihad”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/o-world-you-feed-me-free-while-i-mount-jihad/).

Under the above circumstances, while the UN/UNSC/UNHRC were expected to come to the assistance of the nations which are under continuous threats of terrorism, they find themselves almost abandoned. Israel and India are two examples of being subjected to state-sponsored Islamic terrorism for decades. In Israel, the neighbouring Islamic Terrorists and Jihadi groups of the Arabian nations have been inimical to the Jews. Given an opportunity, they will commit their complete genocide because their Quran claims Abraham was a Muslim and non-Muslims don’t have right to live hence, Jews of Israel are under persistent threats. In India, dis-united Hindus have been under significant threats of Islamic terror (read “India Diseased by Three Cancers”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/india-diseased-by-three-cancers-the-communalism-congress-and-communism/). It is another matter that Christians of Middle East are under persistent Islamic genocide but they don’t complain (read “Persecution of Christians coming close to genocide in Middle East”, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/may/02/persecution-driving-christians-out-of-middle-east-report). Strangely, UN/UNSC/UNHRC under the influence of OIC bloc, have been seldom sensitive to the Jew/Hindu/Christian woes.

Islam has a single mantra of indulgence against non-Muslims of “Convert, flee or die” that the world has been tolerating painfully for centuries. Several Islamic genocides committed against Arabian Tribes, Jews, Christians, Parsis, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Kashmiri Pandits and Yezidis have become part of history. Some of the recent Islamic genocides too have been ignored that includes Sikhs/Hindus/Christians in Afghanistan/Pakistan and Pandits in Kashmir (read “ Looking Back at Ralive, Tsalive ya Galive : January 1990 Genocide of Kashmiri Pandits”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/ralive-tsalive-ya-galive-january-1990-genocide-kashmiri-pandits/)as well as the Fur-Masalits-Zaghawa African tribes in Darfur (Sudan) since 2003 (ref Human Right Watch report “Darfur Destroyed”, https://www.hrw.org/report/2004/05/06/darfur-destroyed/ethnic-cleansing-government-and-militia-forces-western-sudan). Yet, UNHRC choses to remain mum possibly under OIC pressure or displaying its pseudo-secularism.

The recent barbarism committed by Hamas, one of the 175-odd inhuman Jihadi organisations sponsored by the Islamic nations and Muslims of the non-Islamic nations is an example of their hate. Jews of Israel have been victims, nearly all started by the Islamists/Arabs. It is another matter that Israel not only survived but inflicted heavy losses on the attackers every time. Israeli resolve to wipe out Hamas is not unfounded.

While the above Islamic genocides have been going on, not a single independent fact finding team have been sent by the UNHRC to these nations. All these confirm that UN/UNSC/UNHRC will not come to the aid & rescue of the victims undergoing Islamic genocide but they will cry foul if the Islamists like Hamas suffer retaliation seen in Gaza. Today, the communities falling victims to Islamic genocides have to fend for themselves as UNHRC has chosen to turn blind eyes (read “Muted UNHRC Response Encouraging Islamic Genocides”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/muted-unhrc-response-encouraging-islamic-genocide/). It must be mentioned here that the world has witnessed other types of genocides too other than Islamic (read “ International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of Genocides”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/un-international-day-genocide-/).

International Bodies Helping Hamas Get Away with Crimes?

The latest miscarriage of justice at the UN/UNSC/UNHRC is on the Issue of Israeli retaliation against the barbaric crimes of Hamas. They killed toddlers, children, women and elderly in cold blood, from point blank ranges. They raped women at gun-points before the eyes of their near & dear and then burnt them alive. They took hostage of nearly 250 civilians. While it shocked the conscience of the humanity, Muslims around the world celebrated these inhuman acts of Hamas terrorists, taking procession of joys in several nations. It struck a deep blow to the self-respect of the Israelis that made them to take firm resolve to wipe out Hamas to prevent similar acts in future. This was one reason why IDF started hitting hard the Infra and Cadres of Hamas inflicting heavy losses to which all Islamic nations are shedding crocodile tears. Surely there are unfortunate civilian casualties for the following reasons:-

  • Palestine cadre of Hamas use their families as shields, didn’t vacate north Gaza.
  • Mullahs are telling civilians, women, children to stand with Hamas serving the cause of Islam.
  • Hamas underground tunnels open in numerous multi-storey buildings, mosques, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, refugee camps.
  • Civilians allow Hamas to fire rockets from their premises. As a result when IDF retaliates against those infrared signatures, those buildings come under attacks.

It is also noteworthy that although Hamas/Hezbollah are the terror wings of Iran, entire Islamic world / OIC… are standing with them but not condemning their heinous crimes of 7th Oct 23. They could pass resolution at the UNGA with majority condemning Israeli retaliation but didn’t name Hamas barbarism. Even UN Secretary General was found wanting, uttering words justifying Hamas barbarism (read “Guterres Blunders, Justifies Hamas”,https://thecounterviews.in/articles/guterres-blunders-justifies-hamas-shames-un-unsc/). Today while Israel is compelled to swap release of their toddlers, children, women and elderly taken hostage with release of Palestine criminals in Israeli jail at a ridiculous ratio of 1:3, UN bodies were rejoicing it. This will surely encourage other Jihadi groups indulging in hostage taking of ideological opponents in future. It has set a very bad trend. This is nothing but miscarriage of justice and Human Rights at the UN/UNHRC.

It is a condemnable that none of the international bodies/agencies are talking for the justice of 7th Oct 23 victims. All are talking of ceasefire in Gaza where most Palestinians are the cadres/supporters of Hamas/Islamic Jihad. None of the Palestine civilians pressurise Gaza’s present administration to surrender the 7th Oct criminals to the IDF for justice. Hamas crimes of 7th Oct crimes cannot be condoned. Destruction of Hamas is justified till the criminals are made to surrender or entire Hamas cadre is decimated.

Glaring UN/UNSC Indifference to Ongoing Islamic Genocides

It may be worth mentioning here that Hamas is not alone in committing terrorism against non-Muslims. Boko-Haram, Al-Shabab, M23 and numerous other Jihadist groups are all committing jihad against African Tribes and Christians in Africa; Al-Qaida, ISIS, Taliban and 34-odd Jihadist groups of Afghanistan/Pakistan/Bangladesh carrying out the ongoing genocides of Hindus/Sikhs/Christians with UN/UNSC/UNHRC remaining indifferent. It is highly condemnable that UNHRC has not undertaken even a single independent and credible fact finding inquiries against these nations. Of late, there is also a silent genocide underway against the Christians of Lebanon who formed majority in their last census BUT are believed to be minority by now but UNHRC is ill concerned. The last official 1932 census has shown ~53% Christians and unofficial census of 1956 reconfirmed it. However, ‘Statistics Lebanon’, an independent polling and research firm and CIA World Fact book now estimates that 67.8% of the citizen are Muslim. World wonders how the nation changed the religious demography 180 degree and UNHRC didn’t even report it. Currently, none of the agencies show any intent to hold the Islamic bull by horn.

In todays’ UNHRC panel of 47, there are 20-odd members of the OIC bloc and another 10 or so among the nations under the Chinese debt. In the same way, at the UNGA, there are 57 members of OIC, 40-odd members of the Chinese block of debt trap and another 30-odd nations opposed to EU/American points of views. Hence, any resolution in UNGA or UNHRC that are against Islamic ideologies, are likely to be defeated. This is how the recent resolution on Israel-Hamas war for ceasefire could be passed with majority without naming Hamas as attacker. It is strange as to how the most and least populous nations can have representing diverse or homogenous population can have same weightage on their vote counts. Power blocs at the UN have been blocking its reform. It is unfortunate that the UN/UNSC/UNHRC has become a platform for the wrestling of its different power blocks.

The Inferences

In the present Israel-Hamas war, the UN/UNSC/UNHRC is overtly seen standing with the latter. All seem to have forgotten the fact that Hamas indulged in Islamic barbarism on 7th Oct 23 against Jews of Israel and most of the Muslims around the world celebrated it. Thereafter, when IDF started hitting Hamas and their Palestine cadre, everyone is crying for a permanent ceasefire that will spare Hamas Jihadists of their crimes of 7th Oct. It seems the ongoing Islamic genocides in Middle East, west Asia and around the world are being condoned by the UN/UNSC/UNHRC. All heard Hezbollah chief Nasrullah spit venom on Israel but none condemned it. Conditional Israeli hostage swap with Palestine criminals in Israeli jail is a slap on the face of international justice, that too at a ratio of 1:3. Hamas criminals of 7th Oct must face the law of the land…BUT…all international agencies are turning blind eyes to it. It is nothing but miscarriage of international justice. 

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