UNSC passes resolution on Gaza

UN/UNSC Endorsing ‘Devil’s Right’

Devils Shaming Human Rights

On 7th Oct 2023, believers of ‘Devil faith’ demonstrated their demonic behaviour on the territory of Israel when they killed civilians and shamed humanity by shooting infants & children from point blank ranges, raped women and burnt them alive in front of their kith & kins and took hostage of about 240 of them. Hostages included toddlers, children, boys & girls, women and elderly. Those demons exchanged some hostages with Jihadi criminals in Israeli jails and the remainder are still under their captivity. Hostages returned to Israel complained of rampant physical, psychological and sexual abuses while under Hamas captivity. Exchange of the hostages with Palestine criminals was highly unethical, legalizing Islamic barbarism as a form of blackmail. 

UN/UNSC/UNHRC along with some Islamic & other nations were party to this blackmail while brokering the deal. In these deals, all attentions were on exchanging civilian Israeli hostages held by Hamas terrorists with Palestine Islamist criminals in Israeli jails in the ratio of 1:3. Neither the UN nor Islamic nations are talking of compelling Hamas of surrendering the criminals of 7th Oct to the Israeli authority to bring them to justice. They are all concerned of Palestinians in Gaza most of whom are cadres of Hamas. Hamas administrative wing and the UNHRC speak of only humanitarian aids to Gaza but don’t talk of abducted Israeli civilian hostages held there. This is what the several resolutions at the UNSC/UN have been put forth trying to protect ‘Devil’s Rights’ and ignoring the actual human rights of the hostages. It must be mentioned here that loss of lives in Gaza are unfortunate BUT who those Palestine civilians are? Hardly anyone of them is innocent (read “Who are Innocent Civilian Palestinians?”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/are-palestinians-innocent/) except children and many women who are often used by the Islamists as shields.

Apathy at the UN

In the higher bodies of the international institutions like the UN/UNSC/UNHRC, there are two types of endorsements to any happenings in the world. Firstly, some try to become the voice of the persecuted, underprivileged and deprived groups in the form of Human Rights. Secondly, endorsements to the happenings around the world are also made by remaining silent what the ancient ‘Nitishastras’ mention as “ मौनम स्वीकृति लक्षणम’ (meaning ‘remaining silent to a happening is like endorsing the act’). This is what UN/UNSC/UNHRC has been indulging right since its inception through their silence on the several ongoing persecutions and genocides in the world (read “UN Indifference to growing Islamic atrocities”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/un-indifference-to-recent-islamic-atrocities/). Hamas acts of barbarism against Israel on 7th Oct 2023 is just one of many acts.

There are some groups/faiths/beliefs that promote hatred and intolerance towards the believers of other faiths/religions leading to numerous indulgences, atrocities, violence and terrorism (read “Major Jihadi attacks in world”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/major-islamic-jihadi-attacks-in-the-world/). This is where many of the revered bodies of the UN and international institutions are held culpable by remaining mum to the ongoing persecutions and genocides (read “Muted UN/UNSC response encouraging genocides”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/muted-unhrc-response-encouraging-islamic-genocide/). These acts of violence, persecution & terrorism are indicative of “Devil’s Rights” which deny human rights of equality and civil rights incl religious freedom.

Trends in Devil’s Rights

In the preceding and current centuries, there is a substantial number of people who believe in denying human rights to their minorities to which the UN/UNSC/UNHRC choses to remain silent, thus endorsing Devil’s Rights. Through the silence or inability to counter, the Devils have started believing that it is their rights to discriminate, hate, terrorise others to impose own will violating the rights of the others (read “Islamic Hate, intolerance, bigotry & fascism”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/islamic-intolerance-bigotry-fascism-global-caliphate/). Some of the beliefs of the devils even violate the fundamental rights (read “Gross violation of Fundamental Rights”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/gross-violation-of-indian-fundamental-rights-by-quran/). Some of the gross violation of human rights indulged by the demonic faith of the devils are enumerated in the text box below.

Devil acts of recent genocides

UN/UNSC/UNHRC during its existence of near 8 decades, have witnessed numerous demonic genocides, mostly linked to one faith whose religious books spit venoms against other faiths. In the last 40-50 years alone, world has witnessed several genocides in the form of: total Sikhs/Hindus in Afghanistan by Taliban in 2021; near genocide of Yezidis by ISIS in Iraq’s Sinjar province in 2014-15; atrocities amounting to near genocide of Christian in Middle East in 2000-2012; near genocide of Fur-Masalits-Zaghawa African tribes in Darfur (Sudan) in 1992-2004; genocide of Kashmiri Pundits/Sikhs/Hindus in 1990 in J&K (India) and the on-going genocides of Christians/African Tribes in Nigeria, Somalia, & CAR and other nations. There are other on-going genocides of Hindus/Sikhs/Christians in Pakistan & Bangladesh; and atrocities by one demonic faith has been going on for decades to which the UN/UNSC/UNHRC choses to remain silent (read “UN Indifferent to recent genocides”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/un-indifference-to-recent-islamic-atrocities/). It is unfortunate that the European Union (EU) championing the cause of rights issues are silent on the on-going genocide of the Serbian Christians in Kosovo (read “Kosovo being engulfed by Islamic cancer”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/christian-kosovo-being-engulfed-by-islamic-cancer/). Besides the above, there is a long list of demonic acts of genocides the world over mainly by one demonic faith to which the UN bodies have chosen to remain silent as if endorsing their acts of barbarism (read “International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of Genocide”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/un-international-day-genocide-/).

Biased UN Bodies towards Devils

The biased response of the UN/UNSC/UNHRC in the recent years against the currently raging conflicts & wars have been atrocious. In the last 3 yrs alone, the UN bodies have rightly condemned the Russian attacks on Ukraine but they turned blind eyes to the Ukrainian atrocities on the Russian speaking Ukrainians in their own Donbas area. In spite of repeated attacks on the Armenian Christians by the Islamists of Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh, the UN bodies remain mute as if endorsing it. UNGA rightly castigated Israel for attacks on the Palestinians in 2019 and 2023 BUT they turned blind eye to Hamas barbaric attacks on Israelis incl their beasthood of 7th Oct 23 that initiated Israeli retaliation. The 2023 conflict in Sudan has sent the African Tribes & Christians packing and the UN is silent. The worst is the overtly biased reporting of the above atrocities by the so-called rights groups whose reports are accepted by the UN/UNSC/UNHRC (read “Biased & shameless Amnesty International”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/biased-shameless-amnesty-international-part-1/ and “Highly biased Human Right report 2022: India vs Pak”,https://thecounterviews.in/articles/highly-biased-human-rights-report-2022-india-vs-pakistan/). However, the UN bodies chose to remain aloof to the fallacies and biases of those reporting bodies.


All above enumerations are the recent indulgence of the terrorists of one demonic faith to which the silence/inaction of the UN bodies amount to endorsing it. This demonic faith knows only one language called ‘repression’ with which it has been acting. In today’s world, there is only one nation that communicates with the demons in their language of ‘repression’ to keep them under check that is China in Xinjiang that the world may like to follow to deal with the demons (read “World must adopt to the Chinese model of Islam”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/world-must-adopt-chinese-model-of-islam/). The author of this article doesn’t endorse violence in any form BUT it seems the UN/UNSC/UNHRC is endorsing “Demonic Rights” in the various parts of world through their deadly silence. Soon, a retaliatory approach may have to be adopted by the followers of all religions & faiths under attacks of the demons more nations may like to adopt the examples of China and Israel in dealing with them. The UN must know Devil’s Rights cannot be the order of the day.

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