The dubious UNRWA serving Islamic cause

UNRWA of Jihadists & Terrorists, their Supporters & Sympathisers

United Nation Relief and Works Agency in Gaza has been pumped with billions of dollars worth of relief works and aids and very few knew that a substantial part of those materials are being handled and dealt with by individuals who are Jihadists, terrorists, their supporters or sympathisers. Leaving exceptions, most of the men employed by UNRWA in Gaza are either Jihadists or gun tottering terrorists. On the other hand, majority of the female employees are either jihadi women brain-washed by their mullahs or an active supporter or sympathisers of their men folks belonging to the cadres of either Hamas or International Jihad Council (UJC). The English-speaking female staff of the UNRWA are also active spokespersons of Hamas or UJC setting their narratives. There are some employees from abroad too who work there under fearful shadows of the local jihadists, dancing to their tunes, serving the Islamic cause and not the UN.

Israeli authorities has been pointing out from 7th Oct 23 videos of committing massacre in Israel that many of the jihadists, terrorists were UNRWA workers, using UNRWA vehicles. Those men crossed over to Israel to commit inhuman crimes and take the Israelis as hostages, keeping them as captives. Those jihadists were living and feeding on UN salaries but were performing devil acts against humanity. They cannot be blamed in isolation because their unholy book called Quran/Hadith teaches them to be hateful and intolerant (read “Is Quran a source of hate & intolerance?” Leaving exceptions, no Muslim following the teachings of Quran can be expected to behave unbiased. The same is being done by Muslim employees of UNRWA. It is highly condemnable for the various UN agencies as to why they are not aware of it. Whether it was on 7th Oct 23 or anytime in future, if the male employees of UNRWA in Gaza are asked to commit jihad against Israelis/jews by their clerics/mullahs, they will do so.

Muslim women too follow the similar dictats of Jihad by their clerics/mullahs with slight difference though. They usually don’t pick-up guns but help/assist their men folks in committing jihad/terror in the name of Islam. Most if not all of them will be aware of where the Israeli hostages are kept but they will not speak. They will do everything possible to set narratives even if that may be false, if sought by their men of Hamas/UJC commanders. Thus, they are invariably the supporters and sympathisers of their jihadist men folks. Entire world watched in disbelief in Oct/Nov 2023 when the cadres of Hamas looted relief materials from UNRWA tents and trucks with the staff watching it mutely and later UN just shrugging it off. Several UNRWA staff raised numerous false alarms to the UN, of food & fuel running out in 2nd & 3rd week of Oct 23 with catastrophic consequences which was untrue. 

Hamas cadres looting UNRWA relief materials in Gaza

Hardly anyone in the world realizes as to why such massive refugee camps are being retained and managed in Gaza by the UNRWA for several decades. Very few realise why such large numbers of people are living in the refugee camps for 2 generations and not asked to settle down either in Gaza, West bank or elsewhere. It is well known that most of the people living in those refugee camps are working for mostly the UJC but some for Hamas too. They are volunteer forces of Hamas and UJC. The relief material delivered is re-distributed to all workers of Hamas as well as UJC among others. While they largely receive free food from UNRWA and WFP, their own earnings are spent for promotion of jihad and buying arms & ammunitions (read “O Foolish World! Feed me for free while I mount Jihad”,

Any unbiased person or agency listening to the speeches, narratives by the spokespersons of UNRWA in Gaza right from the outbreak of Israel-Hamas war can say that the agency is heavily biased towards Hamas (read “Gaza of Jihadists, sympathisers and innocent Palestinians”, It is very appropriate that some of the major donor nations to UNRWA in Gaza have stopped the aid going to jihadists till a full investigation is undertaken into their clouts. It is unfortunate as to why Mr Guterres, Mr Volker Turk, Mr Lazzarini or others did not initiated investigations long back. It a shameful fact today that the world is feeding jihadists in numerous Islamic nations while they are committing jihad with no dearth of arms & ammunition. UNRWA also runs several schools in Gaza & West bank with UNESCO aid. It is understood that there are plenty of radicalization of the students of all ages in those schools. 

The present disclosure of Hamas cadre having infiltrated into UNRWA may be an unpleasant news for the UN agencies but such whispers have been heard for long. It is condemnable for the agencies not to have cleaned the system. It is difficult to trust Islam, Islamists and Jihadists. They will demonstrate their beasthood against every individual, society or nation if not towing their way. We have observed it happening in Gaza jihadists crossing over to Israel and Islamic genocides being carried out in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, Sahel region, Middle-East and latest in Kosovo. It is unfortunate that the radical Islamists and Jihadists have infiltrated in most of the international agencies and the UN bodies are ignorant of it. 

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