Democratic Processes / Elections
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Military rule
Marshal laws
प्रधानमंत्री के लगातार तीन कार्यकाल : मोदी और नेहरू
मोदी सरकार के लगातार तीन कार्यकाल नेहरू जी पर भारी पड़ रहा है I
June 8th, 2024नेताओं के भ्रष्टाचार: वाशिंग मशीन की सफाई चाहिए या ED की मार ?
भारत का जनमानस उस दिन की बेसब्री से प्रतीक्षा कर रहा है जब भ्रष्ट नेताओं का स्थान जेल की सलाखों के पीछे सुनिश्चित हो; चाहे वह ब्रिटिश महारानी से ज्यादा अमीर सोनियां गाँधी हो या सारे कानूनी दावपेंच जानने वाला चिदम्वरम I
April 15th, 2024‘New India’ Needs Innovative Ministerial Reforms
PM has already nominated members to most of its ministry some of whom may prove to be mediocre. Such ministers are bound to slow the progress in some of the KRAs.
June 16th, 2024चलते-चलाते: एक नमूना
कांग्रेस में हैं बहुत नमूने,
सर्वोत्तम है ! एक नमूना,
दल इनका है देश विरोधी,
कुछ कट्टर हिंदुत्व विरोधी।March 30th, 2024सम्पादकीय: धमाकेदार मार्च 2024
क्योंकि राहुलसुर के नेतृत्व में दृष्टि विहीन इंडि ठगबंधन 'सिर्फ मोदी को हटाना हिन्दुओं को मिटाना" के नारे साथ चुनाव लडने आ रही है, इनके मुहब्बत की दुकानों में सत्ता के लिए साम-दाम-दण्ड भेद के सहारे जीत कर आने वाले भ्रष्ट नेता भरे पड़े हैं ।
March 31st, 2024I-N-D-I-A of Thugs (Part-2) ?
Political opponents of the BJP have realized the fact that by themselves, they are no match to Modi. They are mighty unhappy that the Chor elements among them whether Chara-Chor, Totee-Chor or the other scamsters are facing the wrath of the investigative agencies.
August 27th, 2023चोर मचाए शोर
इन चोरों का शोर चरम पर है।ज्यादातर जनता इनके चाल-चरित्र से अवगत हैं।अभी चुनाव इनके सर पर है और वोट जनता के हाथों में।यही समय है जनता इन चोरों को जोर का थप्पड धीरे से मारे।
November 6th, 2023सम्पादकीय: साजिश सक्रिय है
चार जून के चुनावी परिणाम के साथ ही इंडिं ठगबंधन के समूह अपने मालिक-मालकिन के झूठ-फरेब-जालसाजी के प्रायोगिक कार्यक्रम को आगे बढ़ाने में लग गए हैं।
June 30th, 2024देश के गद्दार ?
Time for voters of India to be wary of the chors, scamsters and traitors.
December 18th, 2023God’s Own Country: Kerala Under Islamic Threat
It is unfortunate that the erstwhile Gods’ own country has been cursed with Communalism of Islam and the violent ideologies of the Communists. The cancer of Islamic Jihad and the cunning politics of Communists have cast long shadows on this state. The Indian population will have to take on a proactive recourse for decimation of the religion of the land in the coming years.
March 27th, 2021Karnataka: BJP Pays Dearly for Voter’s Disillusion
The outcome of the Karnataka election is for the concerned political parties to analyse. It is for them to dwell at length the reasons of the outcome. However, it is also important for all nationalists to ponder if this outcome of Karnataka repeats at the union level in 2024.
May 12th, 2023BJP's Take Home Lessons from 2021 West Bengal Election: All 7 parts
No sooner the election results came that TMC won the majority, the TMC goons are believed to have committed grave crimes against the BJP workers...of arson, murder, rape...with the police becoming the mute spectator. It is one of the worst Rights Violations.
It is surprising how West Bengal State BJP unit has cowardly tolerated such brutal attacks on their workers. Under such partisan acts of police & administration, Suvendu should have taken the fight to the enemy's camp if that was the only way. Afterall, he has 38% mandate in the state. If unable to get protection, why should anyone support the world's so-called largest political party, BJP?
May 4th, 2021थेथ्थर
Making of a non-responsive or arrgant person takes its root at the childgood.
May 29th, 2021सायकिल पंचर किसने की ? मोदी, योगी या महायोगी ?
कहते हैं कि भगवान् की लाठी अदृश्य होती है। मार भी पड़ती है और दीखता भी नहीं। देखिए परमात्मा की माया।पलक झपकते ही राजा बनने का लोलुप वह मूढ़ अहंकारी रंक बन गया। उसकी उड़ती सायकिल पंचर हो गयी।अब वह जमीन पर गिरा पड़ा है। सब पूछते हैं कि सायकिल पंचर किसने की ? उस देश के प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने ? उस प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री योगी ने या पूरे विश्व के पालक महायोगी भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण ने ?
March 9th, 2022सम्पादकीय : चुनावी हिन्दू
उत्तराखंड के लोगों को आप और कोंग्रेसियों की चालबाजियों से बच कर रहना आवश्यक है। जनता को सोच-समझ कर अपनी और देवभूमि की सुरक्षा के हित में ही वोट देना चाहिये अन्यथा देवभूमि को दैत्यों की भूमि बनाने में कोंग्रेस और आप पार्टी के लोग कोई कसर नहीं छोड़ेंगे। ये देशविरोधी, अधर्मियों के साथ मिल हिन्दुओं को खत्म करने के लिए पूर्ण तन्मयता से सक्रिय हो जायेंगे।
August 28th, 2021Human Rights Day
Human right abuse continues. Religious minorities are disappearing from the Islamic nations. Their women are abducted in open daylight. They have no religious freedom. UN must investigate the rights violations of the religious minorities in the Islamic countries as to why they have vanished.
January 5th, 2021त्यौहार और पलटूराम-घोटालूवाल
फिल्मों के अभिनेता तो सिर्फ पर्दे पर अभिनय करते हैं परन्तु खेजरीवाल वास्तविक जीवन में उन सभी प्रसिद्ध अभिनेताओं से भी श्रेष्ठ अभिनय करते हैं। ऐसे राजनितिज्ञों के लिये हिन्दू त्यौहार भी राजनीतिक वोट भुनाने का मुद्दा है, जिसके लिए घोटालूवाल रंगबदलूवाल भी बन जाते हैं।
October 30th, 2022Has Imran Khan Become liability for Pak Army?
Opposition political groups in Pakistan are gunning for Imran Khan to resign. PDM represents most of the radical and jihadi groups in Pakistan.
January 1st, 2021लालू कुनबा और बिहार का दुर्भाग्य
बिहार और वहाँ के जनता की बदकिस्मती रही है कि लालू के राजनैतिक धरातल पर आने से पहले ही वहाँ की शासन व्यवस्था चरमराने लगीं थी। जयप्रकाश आंदोलन तो बिहार से शुरू हुआ लेकिन इसका अच्छा परिणाम मिलने के वजाय बिहार को लालू जैसा एक ऐसा भ्रष्ट और जातिगत व धर्मान्धता की राजनीति करने वाला व्यक्ति मिला जिसका दुष्परिणाम आजतक बिहार झेल रहा है।
August 24th, 2022World’s Oldest Democracy Has Flawed Voting Process
US Federal Election Commission possibly has blundered in electoral reforms that the largest and maximum democracies of the world follow. Surely, there seems to be many grey areas in US electoral system. It is time for the USA Election Commission to rectify the errors prevalent in their system that induces electoral malpractices. Illegal voters cannot be permitted to vote in any democracy.
March 26th, 2021एक कुबड़ा चिंतन
बेबसी तो मध्यवर्गीय सभ्य हिन्दुओं, सभ्य मुस्लिमों, सभ्य ईसाइयों या किसी भी सम्प्रदाय के सभ्य एवं ईमानदारी से कर देने वाले लोगों के लिये है जो गधों की तरह जाने कितने गुण्डे, नेताओं, देशद्रोहियों, हत्यारों, जेल के कैदियों के आर्थिक खर्चों का बोझ ढोते हुए कुबड़े होते जा रहे हैं। ये कुबड़ापन कब सम्पूर्ण हिन्दुओं के साथ-साथ अन्य अच्छे धार्मिक, अच्छे रिलिजियस, अच्छे मज़हबी सम्प्रदाय के लोगों को भी रोगी बना, उन्हें गलत रास्तों या मौत के मुँह में पहुँचा देगा… पता नहीं!
March 1st, 2021Congress Loses Conscience, Allies with Radical Muslims
Congress is treading a dangerous path of aligning with the radicals & jihadists in Kerala, West Bengal and Assam. The party has donned a shameless communal masks for a narrow political gain. The Communists are facing the heat in own ruled state of Kerala. It is a very strange electoral alliance that both Congress and Communists are facing in each other. However, far away from the communal and partisan politics, India as a nation is being challenged to preserve its integrity.
March 2nd, 2021Is Biden Trustworthy for India?
The present US approach to India is doesn’t augur well for a warm relation esp in strategic terms. The US indifference to the humanitarian needs of India in the testing times of the worst pandemic, shows bankruptcy among the US think tanks. India has significant resilience among its professionals and population to withstand the challenges but the US has certainly lost at an excellent opportunity to win the Indian trust.
April 29th, 2021The Dangerous Proportions of Covid19 in India
While India was struggling with the 2nd wave of Covid, all Covid-appropriate behaviour were violated in Bengal Assembly Elections.
April 29th, 2021भागते भूत की लंगोटी - हमारे AAP-के कलाकार
गांधीजी कहते थे ‘सदा सच बोलो’ और हमारे केजरीवाल और इनके दल के नेता ‘हर झूठ इतनीं सहजता से बोल लेते हैं कि गांधी जी की आत्मा को भी शर्म आती होगी लेकिन इन्हें नहीं’। झूठी बातें, झूठी कसमें, झूठे वादे… चाहे वह स्वयं के लिए हो या अपनी दिल्ली सरकार के लिए, इनके सफलता की कुंजी है।
August 30th, 2022पंजाब तो गयो
किसानों के अधिकार की बात करने वाले, किसानों के साथ धरने पर बैठ कर मोदी को कोसने वाले खेजड़ीवाल, कपास के उचित मूल्यों की माँग के लिए धरना देने वाले किसानों को कितनी बेदर्दी से पुलिस से पिटवा रहे हैं। क्या धूर्तता से परिपूर्ण गिरगिटी चाल चलने वाला, साँप से भी ज्यादा विषैला "आप पार्टी" के मार्गदर्शक खेजड़ीवाल पंजबियों का कुछ भला करेंगे या अपने तोंद भरते जाएँगे? ऐसे रंगबदलू नेता तो जिहादियों एवं देश के दुश्मनों से भी ज्यादा खतरनाक हैं।
March 30th, 2022बाजे झुनझुना
" मैं कट्टर ईमानदार हूँ जी, हमारे मनीष सिसोदिया, संजय सिंह, सत्येंद्र जैन के अलावे लगभग बीस 'आ आ प' के नेताओं के समूह जो फ़िलहाल जेल में मौजूद हैं, वे भी मेरे ऐसे ही ईमानदार हैं जी। सिसोदिया के तो लॉकर में भी झुनझुना ही मिला जी।".......
December 31st, 2023While UN Celebrates the “Tolerance Day…”
While UN is trying to promote tolerance, the intolerance of Islam is taking a heavy toll of the lives all around the worl. The world is in the termoils due essentially to Islam. It wants to have a global Islamic caliphate, proliferate the numbers of the Muslim community and then have suprimacy of numbers.
January 5th, 2021वैचारिक उत्पाद में गिरावट
Today's politicians are mostly morally bankrupt. They can droop to any extent for their personal & electoral gains.
April 29th, 2021Choking US Democracy
Four years of Biden administration has been anything but smooth. Opinion polls are pointing an almost certain defeat for Biden in 2024. Biden and his Democrat party has been working overtime to smear Trump and his electoral campaigns.
May 24th, 2024Indo-US Relations : Strategic Partnership or Something Else?
The present Indo-US relationship appears to be based on many considerations. USA wants an ally in the Indian ocean, in Asia, adjacent to their traditional foe, the Russians. Their love with Pakistani were betrayed time and again that made them to reconsider their strategies. They see a much stronger and reliable India as a gateway to Asia. The series of bilateral agreements with US as key strategic partner has brought the two democracies much closure. There has been several smaller strategic military cooperation signed between the two, incl those signed in the last month of the Trump administration through 2+2 agreement.
March 23rd, 2021Declining Congress Party
Congress party of India is in the news of prominence for all wrong reasons…that Navjot Sidhu resigned as Punjab Congress president…that Kanhaiya Kumar has shun his allegiance to Communist and the representative of “Bharat ke Tukde” gang joined the Congress party amidst fanfare…that Jignesh Mewani, the hero of Gujrat sex scandal and strong player of caste card joined the Congress party…and that some senior Congress leaders expressed strong resentment of Kanhaiya and Jignesh being admitted in to the party.
September 29th, 2021वैचारिक उत्पाद में गिरावट
अधीर रंजन की बातें और बोलने का अंदाज मनोरंजन की दुनियाँ में नवीन उन्माद पैदा करती है जैसे उनको देसी ठर्रा पिला कर किसी ने उन्हें लट्टू नागफनी के पौधों पर बिठा दिया हो,जिसके कारण वो अपने आसान पर स्थिर हो बैठ नहीं पाते हैं। ममताबाई का “कक्का-छि-छि,कक्का छि-छितथा अब्बा-अब्बा, तब्बा-तब्बा, टब्बा-टब्बा” सुन कर ऐसा लगता है कि उन्हें राजनीति से ज्यादा मनोचिकित्सक की आवश्यकता है।
March 1st, 2021Inhuman Indulgence at UN Human Rights Council
Human Rights violations for religious, ethinc and other concerns need unequivocal condemnations. Many of the nations are believed to be committing Rights Violations on the basis of religion, Race, Colour and Creed. Rights violation against the female sex and children are equally appalling. If the Human Rights Group of the UN/UNSC wishes to be seen as a saviour of the Rights, it must reform the way suggested. The council must represent all sections of population on realistic terms esp for religious and ethnic groups. Unless that takes place, biased decisions will continue to the degradation of this apex body.
May 27th, 2021सम्पादकीय : जोड़ो-तोड़ो और मरोड़ो
आज एक ज्वलंत प्रश्न हमारे सम्मुख है कि वैदिक सनातन विरोधी गतिविधियों के प्रति अनभिज्ञता, एकजुटता के अभाव में क्या हिन्दू अपनी संस्कृति, सभ्यता एवं आनुवंशिकी की रक्षा कर पाएंगे ?
December 30th, 2022"मिर्ची" - The Burning State of Maharastra
दुनियाँ भर में लगभग चार सौ प्रकार के मिर्ची पाई जाती है। ज्यादातर लोग इसे भोजन का स्वाद बढ़ाने के लिए उपयोग में लाते है।
January 5th, 2021Murder of Democracy in West Bengal
There is a saying in the game of violence, “Only Iron can cut Iron”.The evil designs of Mamata’s TMC in West Bengal, RJD in Bihar, IUML/Communists in Kerala, PDP in J&K must be defeated by whatever means, preferably legitimate.
August 31st, 2023नितीश ने ली पलटी मार, फिर से आया जंगलराज।
नीतीश जी की यह पलटी मार उनकी साख को बहुत चोट पहुँचाने वाली है । लालू और तेजस्वी दोनों ही इस बात से वाकिफ हैं कि किस तरह कमजोर और निस्तेज नितीश बाबू की पूँछ मरोड़ी जाए, उसे बखूब पता है। अगर चतुर लालू-तेजस्वी ने उन्हें दूध की मक्खी की तरह निकाल बाहर फेंका तो बीजेपी इस धोखेबाज नितीश को बचाने नहीं आएगी। नए मंत्रीमंडल में अपराधियों की बहुतायत बताती है कि जंगलराज का आना तय है । क़ानून मंत्री ही अपराधी है।
August 8th, 2022'जंतर-मंतर"
काश कोई ऐसा मंत्र भी होता जो ' जन्तर-मंतर' पर धरना देने वालेनेताओं के सिर से देशविरोधी कार्य करने की प्रेरणा देने वाले भूत-भूतनी का साया उतार देता और उन्हें देशहित में सोचने, कुछ करने की प्रेरणा दे पाता।
July 30th, 2021The US Eyeballs of Bigotry
President Donald Trump was a hate figure for Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives led by the Democrats. She indulged in rampant Bigotry right from the day Trump assumed his office…in his first year, second year, third year and the fourth…leaving no stone turned to dent his image through series of investigations and impeachments.
February 22nd, 2021'पप्पू वचन' : वास्तविकता वनाम झूठ और दुष्प्रचार
मोदी सरकार के १० सालों की महान उपलब्धि के बावजूद भी आज का रावण रूपी २६-सिरों वाला विपक्ष अपने "पप्पू वचनों" से जनता में झूठ, भ्रम और प्रपंच फैलाने में माहिर है I सभी देश प्रेमियों को इनसे सतर्क रहना होगा I
May 1st, 2024भारत एक ‘हिन्दू-राष्ट्र’ हो
अब समय आ गया है कि हिन्दू, बौद्ध, जैन तथा सिख एक जुट हो जाएँ और “हिन्दू या भारतीय धर्म राष्ट्र” के लिए संघर्षरत हों जिसमें भारतीय धर्मावलम्बियों का वर्चस्व हो तथा अन्य लोगों का अहित भी न हो।
February 6th, 2022Ideologically Bankrupt Congress Party of Today
Congress party of today has lost all its moral values and has become ideologically bankrupt. It is seen by the political experts as anti-poor, Muslim appeasing and anti-national in many ways. The article elaborates it.
January 20th, 2022चलते चलाते : चुनाव का चमत्कार
January 30th, 2022सम्पादकीय : संयोजित, चयनित, नियोजित आक्रमण
आज कल भारत के विभिन्न हिस्सों में जिस प्रकार के दंगे- आक्रमण हो रहे हैं वे इन्हीं लकड़बग्घों की युद्ध-नीति की तरह चयनित, संरेखित, संयोजित और सामूहिक रूप से मझहबियों द्वारा हिन्दुओं पर करवाये जा रहे हैं।
November 29th, 2021सोचो समझो जागो
India will have to rise above the caste politics
June 30th, 2021आधुनिक रावण-वध : कब, कहाँ और कैसे हो ?
इस २६-मुखी रावण का वध आवश्यक है I सवाल है कब, कहाँ और कैसे I
April 30th, 2024What Makes Modi So Confident of 370+ in Parliamentary Election 2024?
The good works done by 10 yrs of Modi govt are before all eyes, for all to see, feel and enjoy. Under Modi, India is marching ahead with big strides. These are the reasons why Modi’s ambitious 370-plus has merit although it may not be possible in entirety owing to the INDI-Alliance setting various narratives, even if false.
April 11th, 2024Culpability for Covid19 Deaths in India
In short, it can be said that China caused the Pandemic but escaped culpability owing to failures on part of WHO. India has fought the pandemic well but lethargy on part of the State Govts failed to perceive the intensity of the second wave and also failed to take appropriate actions to meet the challenges. Even Union Govt faltered in not cautioning / assisting the state Govts in the nick of time…the middle of March 21. Maharashtra Govt is extremely culpable in not informing the extreme virulence of the new variant. Election Commission of India too must hold their head in shame in not being proactive in applying curbs on electoral process.
May 22nd, 2021New Indian Covid19 Measures : How Effective Will It Be?
The new announcement by the Indian PM is a welcome step towards protecting vulnerable groups. Sooner than later, the younger people with comorbidities too should be included for the booster esp those having taken their 2nd dose >6 months back. However, the pace of vaccination is far from satisfactory. Modi govt will be unable to fulfil its promise to the Supreme Court, of vaccinating its entire eligible population. Modi govt may also be failing in its obligation to proactively curb the super-spreader events taking place on electioneering by both ruling and opposition parties. The ball is in PM’s court to take some tough decisions.
December 25th, 2021सम्पादकीय : "चित भी मेरी,पट भी मेरी"
Both sides of the coin are mine. I must not lose.
April 29th, 2021Bihar Needs a Young, Clean & Dynamic CM
Nitish ji may be regarded as Bhishma-Pitamah of Bihar politics by historians but a dead horse today. It is his and the two ruling political parties (JDU and BJP) president’s responsibilities to find a suitable person having an optimal mix of all traits of a bright and successful CM, groom him while he is still in power and then vacate his chair for him.
March 10th, 2022Threatened Democratic Rights in West Bengal
TMC goons attack BJP. Mamata Banerjee behaving as dictator in West Bengal. Democratic freedom under attack in West Bengal
January 1st, 2021A Toothless Organisation Called UNSC
Security Council has become a laughing stock in the recent years, devoid of any powers. The P-5 are able to stall any/all important decisions by their vetoes. There are very obvious member blocks esp of the Islamic Nations who vote en-mass on any resolution affecting Muslims in any nation. Hence, UNSC has become very biased, fast loosing credibility.
May 26th, 2021नेताओं के वाकयुद्ध
बुरा ये ढूँढें जगत में, बुरा मिले न कोई।
मझहब देखो आपना,इससे बुरा न कोई।
December 31st, 2021Why are Opposition Politicians, Islamists and Pseudo-Secularists so averse to RSS?
Congress was essentially formed to serve the British interests in the initial decades. They were indifferent to Hindu cause and genocide of Moplah which was the main reason why RSS was formed to unite and uplift the Hindu community as an apolitical group. During the independence movements, Congress trying to have a non-partisan look, was opposed to serving Hindu interests while Muslim League was formed only to serve the Islamic cause. Thankfully, some of the Congressmen having conscience, left them to join a political Hindu Mahasabha or apolitical RSS.
October 19th, 2021“भारत जोड़ो”: कितना मिथ्या कितना सत्य ?: भाग-२
कांग्रेस पार्टी द्वारा शुरू किया गया "भारत जोड़ो यात्रा" किसी भी प्रकार भारत जोड़ो नहीं वल्कि 'राहुल गांधी व कांग्रेस बचाओ' जैसा प्रतीत होता है।
December 7th, 2022Politics & Statistics of Electoral Bonds (EBs): Perceptions vs Facts
The CJI, while striking down the act, should have either suggested amendments to rectify the lacunae in the EBs or given directions for a better transparency and legitimacy.
March 30th, 2024भ्रष्ट पार्टी की बीमारी से संक्रमित 'झा'?
यद्यपि मेरा नाम भी झा है लेकिन मैं कई नेताओं जिसका नाम 'झा' उपाधि से जुड़ा है उनकी आलोचना करने की हिमाकत कर रही हूँ।
December 31st, 2023Fact Sheet of Modi Govt 2.0 (Pt-1 of 3)
On the completion of its 2 yrs, Mod govt 2.0 is trying to audit its own performance. This article looks at the various hits and missed of the present govt. The performance seems to be more or less an average.
June 30th, 2021विपक्षी राज्य सरकारें निकम्मी हैं; मोदी सबको रोजगार दे
इसमें कोई दो राय नहीं कि राज्य सरकारों को भी बेरोजगारी बढ़ने का जिम्मेदारी तो लेना ही चाहिए। वे अपने अपने राज्यों में रोजगार सृजन में नाकामयाब रहे हैं। साल 2011 वनाम २०१९ का एक आंकड़ा तो यही दिखाता है कि मोदी सरकार के आने के बाद बेरोजगारी घटी थी लेकिन यह आँकड़ा कोरोना महामारी के पहले की है।
February 9th, 2022The Divided States of America
There is no doubt that Trump was bit erratic, unpredictable…that many people died of Covid19 (mostly black) during his final year…that a history sheeter called Floyd died in the hands of the police in his time…that Nancy Pelosi led Democrats ‘play hell’ with him during his entire tenure.
January 29th, 2021International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of Genocide
The 9th of December marks a very important day for the world humanity. This day reminds us how cheap the human lives have been in the eyes of the mighty. Numerous men and women were killed in the past just because they belonged to a particular group of race, religion, faith, caste, creed and were not strong enough to defend themselves from the perpetrators of violence.
January 5th, 2021नेताओं का बखेड़ा
बखेड़ा खड़ा करने वाले नेताओं को थोड़ी पढ़ाई लिखाई एवं शिक्षा की आवश्यता है।परन्तु क्या किया जाए? हम जनता ही ऐसे गँवारों को वोट दे कर सत्ता में लाते है, जिससे देश एवं स्वयँ का अहित होता है।
February 27th, 2023राहुल गांधी, कांग्रेस की 'पप्पूपंथी' और विपक्षी एकता
बर्खास्त हुए राहुल गांधी को लेकर कांग्रेस के तरह तरह के नाटक को, चाहे वह प्रजातंत्र पर आघात दिखाने का प्रयास हो, सत्याग्रह हो या काला दिवस; सब देश और जनता को भ्रमित करने का प्रयास है।अब विपक्ष कांग्रेस के प्रबल दावेदार के चुनावी मैदान से लुप्त हो जानें के बाद अपनी अपनी राजनैतिक रोटियाँ सेंकनें जुट गयी है।
March 26th, 2023Is Mamata a Female Goon ?
Mamata Banerjee’s family venture of TMC is believed to be highly corrupt and scam-ridden, undemocratic, communal, partisan politician. She has severely undermined the democratic rights, secular values and the administration of West Bengal. At times she has also challenged the constitutional authorities of the Governor. There is a mass feeling in West Bengal that Mamata must be kicked out from CM’s chair…and kicked out now.
April 1st, 2021“भारत जोड़ो”: कितना मिथ्या कितना सत्य ?
‘भारत जोड़ो’ भारत के लिए नहीं अपितु कांग्रेस को टूटने से बचाने तथा राहुल गांधी के वर्चस्व को पुनर्स्थापित करने का एक प्रयत्न लगता है। इसके बहाने कांग्रेस महंगाई, बेरोजगारी, बढ़ती साम्प्रदायिकता और कथित रूप से सरकार द्वारा संस्थाओं का दुरूपयोग का मुद्दा उठाकर सिर्फ मोदी सरकार पर उंगली उठाने तथा एक सुनियोजित रूप से झूठ व दुष्प्रचार फैलाने का प्रयत्न लगता है । इन सबों के अलावे कांग्रेस की हरकतें यही बताती है कि वे घृणा की राजनीति कर रही है।
September 4th, 2022Sri Lanka Protests: Spontaneous or a Conspiracy?
The direction of the current waves orchestrated protests and their demands are baffling all economic analysts. How will the change of govt bail them out from near bankruptcy or shortages of fuel & food etc as acclaimed? There is surely more than meets the common eyes. It seems to be a very logical question about the Sri Lanka Protests whether it is Spontaneous or a Conspiracy?
July 14th, 2022भागते भूत की लंगोटी: आजतक का अद्भुत ‘दंगल और हल्लाबोल’
अगर आपनें लोमड़ी को नजदीक से देखा या सुना नहीं है तो 'आजतक' टीवी चैनल पर दो कार्यक्रम अवश्य देखें : चित्रा त्रिपाठी का 'दंगल' और अंजना कश्यप का 'हल्लाबोल'।
September 16th, 2022चुनावी ऋतु की अगवानी
कई राज्यों में चुनाव का मौसम मॉनसून की तरह ही आने वाला है। वर्षाऋतु की प्रतीक्षा मनुष्यों के अलावे अन्य जीव-जंतुओं तथा पेड़ पौधों को भी होती है।मृतप्राय या ग्रीष्म की सख्त गर्मी की ताप से व्याकुल जीवनदायी ऋतु धरती के कण कण में नवजीवन का संचार करती है। शिकार और शिकारी जीवों की सक्रियता जीवनचक्र तथा प्रकृति के संतुलन को बनाये रखने के लिए वर्षा ऋतु अत्यंत आवश्यक होता है ।
September 29th, 2021सम्पादकीय: इस मई महीने की गर्मी
ऐसे उमस भरे चुनावी मौसम में भारतीय उत्सुक जनता परिणाम की प्रतीक्षा कर रही है कि उनका भविष्य देशभक्त कुशल सेवक के हाथ में सुरक्षित रहेगा या देशद्रोहियों,गद्दारों, लुटेरों, घोटालेबाजों के हाथों की कठपुतली बन उन्हें नर्क के द्वार की ओर अग्रसर करेगा।
June 1st, 2024सांसद और रंगीन मिजाज़
When parliamentarians intend to show romanticism within parliament, speculations become rife.
November 30th, 2021सम्पादकीय : यह विकास ही विश्वास है
भ्र्ष्टाचारी, चोर, गुण्डे,आतंकी आतंकियों के सहयोगी, चीनी एवं पाकिस्तानी जासूस,
विदेशियों के हाथों बिके हुए नेता, देशविरोधी गतिविधियों में लिप्त लोग, नशे एवं हथियारों के तस्कर........August 31st, 20232024 Elections: Modi Wins BUT India and its Democracy Loses
Despite phenomenal works done for the nation and the nationals (incl poor and downtrodden) and massive progresses in all areas, the govt could not counter the false narratives propagated by all constituents of opposition block.
June 4th, 2024अंतरात्मा की आवाज़
अपने अंतरात्मा की आवाज सुनकर वोट करें।
July 31st, 2022Take Home Lessons from 2021 West Bengal Election : The Final Words
What has happened in West Bengal elections is not a matter between TMC and BJP alone. It is the long protracted sequele of electoral malpractices that generations of Bengalis have been witnessing…earlier by Congress in the post-independence period that took an ugly turn in the Communist government who trained their cadre to be brutal against the political adversaries and opponents. It is the same formula that Mamata Banerjee’s TMC is pursuing.
May 25th, 2021What Makes Modi so Special for India?
Criticism apart, Modi govt has performed exceptionally well on all fronts. He is regarded as an avatar of God by the poor sections of Indians. It may not be an overstatement to claim that Modi in his 9 yrs has done as much or even more than all other govts of the past could do collectively in their 60 yrs.
June 18th, 2023Our Beloved ‘Pappu’ and his ‘Foot-in-Mouth Disease’
There is a word of caution for our beloved Mr Pappu and his political allies in I.N.D.I.A to tread the path with utmost care. Treachery, inciting communal hatred and abusing nation especially in foreign land must not be taken lightly, for it will encourage others too to commit such crimes in future.
September 12th, 2024Karnataka Electoral Conundrum 2023
Unlike the traditionally corrupt govts of past, the present Bommai govt has been largely clean, having completed many laudable infrastructure, development and welfare projects of the state. Congress party, the main rival of BJP visibly seems to be the most corrupt party with its leadership both at state and central levels on bails, evading jail for corruption charges pending in courts. The present state BJP govt seems clean and effective; bringing in many new young faces may be able to win the election with a simple majority.
April 12th, 2023Unpartisan Perception of Modi@9
The author will be failing in his duty not to mention both successes & failures of Modi. There is no doubt that he is the most popular leader in the world today. However, it is also a fact that he (or his ministers to be more precise), have become more of enemies than adversaries for the opposition. Clearly, Modi has not been able to take them along in the unmatched development journey of India.
May 26th, 2023Political Intolerance Against BJP Workers: Weakness of JP Nadda?
It can be said with reasonable confidence that the political opponents of BJP are indulging in hate politics and often resorting to extreme violence against their workers. Most of these are happening in the tenure of party president JP Nadda. Nadda may chose to remain silent for whatever reasons but those people facing violence will not. They will either take to swords or leave BJP cadre.
May 27th, 2023Some Important Legislative Acts Expected from Modi Govt
There is hardly any doubt that Modi govt has transformed India through its all-round development plans in almost all sectors be it Infrastructure, Economy, Defence, Manufacture, Health & Family Welfares, Upliftment of poor and positioning India well high up on the global platforms.....
December 26th, 2023I-N-D-I-A of Thugs ? (Part-1)
Expressions by the nationalists have already started coming that India cannot be of the 'Thugs' trying to steal sympathy by renaming themselves as I-N-D-I-A.
July 25th, 2023India Diseased by Three Cancers...Communalism, Congress and Communism
In a democratic and secular nation, everyone has the rights to enjoy the fruits of equality, freedom of Life & Liberty, non-exploitation, freedom of religion amidst some others. However, Islamic Communalism has been repeatedly violating all norms.
June 13th, 2023We, the People and Pseudo-Seculars of India
The pseudo-seculars are a distinct group who are ready to fall to any low to garner some Muslim electoral votes. ‘Muslim Vote-bank’ groups of politicians are revered pseudo-secularists in India. They are ready to enact any pro-Muslim policies often offending the interests of the native Hindus.
June 27th, 2023नेता विपक्ष की झूठ और मक्कारी
आज अधिकतर भारतीयों को राहुल गांधी के "नेता विपक्ष" के रूप में पहले वयान से काफी मायूसी हुई है और पश्चाताप भी हो रहा होगा कि कांग्रेस को क्यों वोट दिए I
June 30th, 2024Lessons from Breach of Security in Indian Parliament
The current security breach at the Indian parliament is a serious threat. There is no doubt that it has been crafted to create optics of symbolism that could have serious consequences. The mastermind of this plot in all probability is hiding behind the scenes. There could be many possible plotters of the breach that needs to be investigated by multi-pronged bodies.
December 12th, 2023India a Flawed Democracy
Nations having large populace have more challenges in upholding the democratic principles. There is no fixed yardsticks or universally accepted parameters for measuring the efficacy of a democracy.
May 13th, 2024सम्पादकीय : पारा गर्म है
Electoral heat in the largest democracy in the world....
April 30th, 2024‘I-N-D-I-A’ Stands Exposed as Anti-Hindu
Hindus of India have started realizing that Sonia/Rahul lead Congress cannot be their well-wisher. They have drifted too far away in Muslim appeasement which is surely detrimental to the welfare of Hindus.
January 24th, 2024विभाजन विभीषिका (भाग-1) और भारतीय धर्म
गांधी और नेहरू ने पाकिस्तान में रह रहे भारतीय धर्मावलम्बियों की सुरक्षा के लिए कुछ ख़ास नहीं किया। परिणाम यह हुआ कि वे पाकिस्तान में असुरक्षित महसूस करने लगे और समय समय पर अपनी अस्मिता बचाने के लिए भागते रहे। वे पाकिस्तान में असहाय थे। भारत सरकार ने कभी भी कुछ ऐसा नहीं किया या होने दिया जिससे पाकिस्तान को यह महसूस कराया जा सकता कि अगर वहाँ हिन्दू और सिख सुरक्षित नहीं रह सकते तो यहाँ के मुसलमान भी असुरक्षित हो सकते हैं । इसी का परिणाम है कि भारतीय धर्म मूल के लोग हर मुस्लिम देश में असुरक्षित हैं। दूसरे देशों की बात तो छोड़िए, ये अपने ही देश में मुसलमान बाहुल क्षेत्र में असुरक्षित महसूस करने लगे हैं और पलायन को मजबूर हो जाते हैं।
August 13th, 2021I-N-D-I-A के “पप्पू-वचन”: ‘हम हिन्दू-धर्म के ‘शक्ति’ से लड़ रहे हैं"
आइये I हम और आप सारे हिन्दू यह प्रतिज्ञा लें कि हिन्दुओं और हिन्दू धर्म का अपमान करने वालों को एक भी वोट न डालें I इसमें कोई दो मत नहीं कि हमारी हिन्दू एकता से सारे 'हिन्दू नफरती' को सबक मिल जाएगी I
March 19th, 2024भाग 'पप्पू' ! भाग
अब राहुलगांधी के चुनावी पलायन की खबर तेजी से फ़ैल रही है और इसीलिए आवाज बढ़ती जा रही है "भाग पप्पू भाग" I
May 2nd, 2024विभाजन विभीषिका (भाग - ४): स्वतंत्र भारत में विभाजनकारी राजनीति
लगता है कांग्रेस ने अंग्रेजों की बदनीयती अपना ली है कि "बाँटो और राज करो" I बीजेपी ने तो सिर्फ हिन्दुओं को एकजुट करने की कोशिश की थी परन्तु उसकी विपक्षी पार्टियाँ हिन्दुओं को बांटनें में लगी है चाहे वह वर्गगत हो या जातिगत I
July 20th, 2024I-N-D-I-A a recipient of Anti-India Funds?
New trends in the forms of dedicated anti-India groups mentioned in this article are worrisome in which many Indians are involved in anti-India conspiracy. It is a problem not only for Indian govt BUT Indian Societies too that could face serious divisions and disruptions.
June 8th, 2024Rahul Gandhi: The Best in Fabricating Lies & Disinformation
Rahul Gandhi (along with his team, both Indian & foreigners) is best in fabricating “Lies & Dis-information”. It may also be the time to take action against this hate-mongering and divisive politician.
June 13th, 2024Home Ministry’s Indifference to Slanderous attacks on PM Modi and India
Union Home Ministry's dealing of threats on the life of a sitting PM Modi and insinuation of the reputation of Indian PM as well as numerous nationwide disruptive and divisive mass-protests and lawlessness within the scope of Union Govt has been lackluster, indifferent and questionable.
July 24th, 2024Rahul Gandhi No Longer a ‘Pappu’ ?
Rahul Gandhi has become a liability for his party as well as the nation indulging in anti-national rants. Most of political experts & pundits consider that he was a Pappu on induction to politics and remains so even now.
August 7th, 2024Many Fronts that Modi Govt is Failing
While the actual fronts on which Modi-led NDA govt are failing or lagging behind, remain in the background, the opposition block is unable to highlight them. Although Modi Govt has done a lot in their two tenures at the Centre, they have apparently also failed to gather pace they ought to have gained.
December 31st, 2024Disreputed Indian Elections getting Polarized
The bottom lines of all above happenings are that there is a clear trend among political parties to get Muslim and backward-class Hindu votes by hook or crook.
November 20th, 2024Journey of the Indian Constitution: 75 yrs and Counting
The Constitution of India cannot become a ‘holy cow’ that even elected parliamentarians should be scared of to change for the fulfilment of the aspirations of larger sections of people.
December 18th, 2024Will Trump-2 be a Blessing or Curse for the USA and the World?
The world would be watching US leadership as to how they deal with the numerous thorny issues in almost all continents
November 9th, 2024“बँटोगे तो कटोगे" का तात्पर्य...
बांग्लादेश में हाल की राजनैतिक उथल पुथल के दौरान वहाँ के लगभग सवा करोड़ हिन्दुओं की जिहादियों द्वारा प्रताडन देख कर किसी भी प्रमाणनकी जरूरत नहीं रह जाती है कि उनसे बचने के लिए हिन्दुओं में आपसी एकता परमावश्यक है I
October 23rd, 2024