Health / Disease / Climate / Natural Disaster
World Health Organisation (WHO)
Climatic Changes
Natural Disaster, Flood, Famine, Wild Fires
When I had Covid19…A Doctor’s Views
When a Covid handling doctor suffered the same infection, it is a lesson...both to them as well as all the branches of medicine.
May 11th, 2022SARS nCoV2 may Become Endemic BUT… World Must Remain Alert for Another Delta-like Devastation
The continuing Covid19 over the last two years of the pandemic is a matter of grave concern. By virtue of its nature, the RNA virus had been changing its strains of Alfa, Beta, Delta, Gamma, Omicron and so on and numerous more could come in the future. Infection with newer variants may start in any part of the world and then spread over. The newer infections are taking place even among those fully vaccinated but surely with a milder course. There is no guaranty that an odd highly virulent variant (like the Delta) will not arise again and ravage the world. There is no way the virus can be eradicated. The virus is here to stay and in all likelihood, become endemic. The world has to live with it. The name of Ms ZhengLi may find mentions in the pages of history either synonymous with Corona Virus or many may know SARS nCoV2 as ZhengLi Virus.
January 15th, 2022Corona Devastations and Chinese Culpability
China has apparently bio-engineered a new biowarfare agent called SARS nCoV2 and tried it on Wuhan population. This trial has seemingly gone awry, so as to engulf the entire world…something that the Chinese are vehemently trying to disprove now. If the source of the Wuhan Virus is traced to the Wuhan Lab, the Chinese will be held culpable to millions of deaths and 100-odd millions of Covid cases all over the world and the enormous devastations that may cost them fortunes in the compensations.
January 30th, 2021Indian Confusions on Covid19 and the International Secrecies
It could be said with fair confidence that while the Modi govt has tried to manage Covid19 to the best of abilities, there were events that did create repeated confusion. Many of these were of a nature seen only in the hindsight. The second wave of the Covid took everyone by surprise. The extent of the pandemic was such that no govt could have managed. This however, does not absolve either the State Govts (under whom comes the public Health) or the Union Govt who are supposed to be coordinating with them for better response. While the populace in general stood firm by the honesty Modi govt displayed in meeting various challenges on several fronts simultaneously, the opposition politicians esp the Congress & Communists, left no stone unturned in maligning the govt. The many reasons of Confusion and secrecies shrouding the Covid outbreak and govt response is discussed here.
May 25th, 2021Fact-Sheet of Modi Govt 2.0 (Pt-2 of 3)
This part deals with Modi 2.0 performance of the health ministry, Road & Transport ministry and the Finance Ministry...
July 30th, 2021Aerospace Medicine: Did You Know the Followings (1 of n) ?
Most if not all, Specialists in Aerospace Medicine are imparted flying training as supernumerary aircrew so as to fully appreciate the complexities of tasks that their clientele are expected to perform. This is why they are also known as Flight Surgeons.
November 29th, 2022The Dangerous Proportions of Covid19 in India
While India was struggling with the 2nd wave of Covid, all Covid-appropriate behaviour were violated in Bengal Assembly Elections.
April 29th, 2021Alfa, Beta, Delta, Gamma and now Omicron. WuhanVirus inventor merits Nobel Prize
Ms Zheng Li, director of Wuhan Virus Lab deserves the highest prize in R&D if the nCoV2 was really modified in their "Gain of Function" experiments. While this virus has tormented the world with deaths, sufferings and devastations of the world economy, it has largely spared its inventing soil. While the world is in grief with the several variants originating automatically, China is smiling. The 'Batwoman' of China has created a monster, the most lethal biowarfare agent so far, that continues killing humanity through its many variants, for which she deserves a Nobel prize. The dragon has effectively resisted all international attempts to a credible transparent investigation in to the source of the virus. It is time that all sovereign nations should unite together to take joint action to compel China to compensate.
November 29th, 2021A Glance Back at Covid19 Management esp Home Isolation
The 3rd wave of Covid 19 is already in India. Both Union and State Govts are trying to do their best to limit the extent of morbidity and mortality. This article is trying to look back at the Covid management with greater emphasis on Home Isolation.
January 8th, 2022Possible Origin of Corona Virus and The Chinese Culpability
Corona Virus nCoV2 is believed to have been engineered from a bat Coronvirus with augmented virulence, something like a biological warfare agent. Wuhan Institute of Virology seems to be at the centre of the controversy where 'gain-of-functions' experiments on the organisms have been going on. This article tries to lay emphasis on the smoking gun while the world is trying to look for the origin of the virus that has devasted human lives and economy of the world.
June 8th, 2021बिहार कहाँ था, कहाँ है और कहाँ जा रहा है ?
बिहार पुनः विकास के पथ पर अग्रसर है लेकिन गति बहुत ही मंद है।बिहार को तेजी से आगे बढ़ाने के लिए एक जागरूक, प्रगतिशील, कर्मठ और साफ़ छवि का पढ़ा लिखा युवा नेता चाहिए।नितीश जी ने बहुत शासन किया।अब उन्हें चाहिए कि सत्ता का बागडोर एक होनहार नेता के हाथ सौंप बिहार की राजनीति के भीष्म पितामह बनें।बिहार को कृषि, सेवा, इंडस्ट्री और शिक्षा में तेज गति से आगे बढ़ाना है और साथ ही भ्रष्टाचार और जंगलराज की प्रवृत्तियों पर कुठाराघात ।यह तभी संभव है जब सत्ता एक प्रगतिशील युवा के हाथ में हो।बिहार को भविष्य में भी भ्रष्ट, आततायी राजनैतिक मगरमच्छों से सावधान रहना होगा।
November 9th, 2021Corona Vaccination in India : Some Pros and Cons
After the DCGI accorded EUA to the India Covid19 vaccines Covishield and Covax, PM Modi started the vaccination campaign in India wef 16 Jan 21. The vaccination has been started among the priority 1 group of Corona Warriors and the frontline workers. More and more vaccines are coming to the market the world over.
January 29th, 2021Is India Really Low on Global Hunger Index???
Indian parameters of the GHI have apparently far improved that is not being reflected in the UN figure of the GHI. Although there are deficiencies in the data collection and coalition itself as mentioned above, the latest Indian ranking of 107 on the Global Hunger Index looks malicious.
October 16th, 2022धारावाहिक: मेरी, तेरी, उसकी बातें: उत्पाती चूहे (भाग 1)
इस कहानी के प्रत्यक्ष द्रष्टा होने के कारण मैं तो यही कह सकती हूँ कि इसके ऐसे मोटे हट्टे-कट्टे चूहों से तो हमारी ऐसी औरतें डर कर ही रहेंगी...हे चूहे खा ले जो खाना है और ले जा जो ले जाना है तेरा ही घर है।
September 30th, 2023Aerospace Medicine: Did You Know the Followings (Part 2 of n)?
This is a series of brief articles published in the interest of citizen who don’t know about a new branch of medicine called ‘aerospace medicine’. Some useful inputs of health relating to this branch of medicine are given in these articles in public interest.
December 30th, 2022Who will Pay the Cost of Covid19
The time is come to act unitedly against the perpetrators of the new biowarfare agent called nCoV2. Let the first step be taken towards making them pay the compensations to the world and the remaining actions will come in the subsequent course of events.
June 29th, 2021Culpability for Covid19 Deaths in India
In short, it can be said that China caused the Pandemic but escaped culpability owing to failures on part of WHO. India has fought the pandemic well but lethargy on part of the State Govts failed to perceive the intensity of the second wave and also failed to take appropriate actions to meet the challenges. Even Union Govt faltered in not cautioning / assisting the state Govts in the nick of time…the middle of March 21. Maharashtra Govt is extremely culpable in not informing the extreme virulence of the new variant. Election Commission of India too must hold their head in shame in not being proactive in applying curbs on electoral process.
May 22nd, 2021New Indian Covid19 Measures : How Effective Will It Be?
The new announcement by the Indian PM is a welcome step towards protecting vulnerable groups. Sooner than later, the younger people with comorbidities too should be included for the booster esp those having taken their 2nd dose >6 months back. However, the pace of vaccination is far from satisfactory. Modi govt will be unable to fulfil its promise to the Supreme Court, of vaccinating its entire eligible population. Modi govt may also be failing in its obligation to proactively curb the super-spreader events taking place on electioneering by both ruling and opposition parties. The ball is in PM’s court to take some tough decisions.
December 25th, 2021Moderate Earthquake: Is Delhi Prepared?
India has been vulnerable to moderate to severe earthquakes in past and there are predictions of one striking us in future too. Preparedness before a natural calamity like major earthquake is of paramount value.
November 9th, 2022Moderate Earthquake: Is Delhi Prepared?
India has been vulnerable to moderate to severe earthquakes in past and there are predictions of one striking us in future too. Preparedness before a natural calamity like major earthquake is of paramount value.
November 9th, 2022Where Does the World Stand for Effective Corona Vaccines?
Amidst the Pandemic PM Modi is trying to do his best to woo the Development of Vaccines in India. He visited Serum Institute and Bharat Biotech to have a first hand information.
January 5th, 2021Will WHO Betray the World Again
The Chinese have reluctantly agreed to allow investigation in the source of Wuhan Virus. The virus is believed to have come from the Wuhan Lab of China.
January 5th, 2021Origin of Corona Virus and the Chinese Culpability
The entire world is expectantly looking at the WHO team of the investigators for the origin of the Wuhan Virus causing pandemic. Whether the team was hand-picked by the Chinese administration or were the best professionals in their fields, the world population does not know. They firmly believe that the WHO will fulfil the aspirations of the world.
June 29th, 2021Covid19 : India Unlocked
Indian govt has taken a conscious decision for a gradual unlock of the nation from the Corona pandemic. It is happening in different phases to restart the economy of the nation. This article takes a close look at the unlock process.
January 5th, 2021The Covid Panic in India
The 2nd wave of Covid caught all the agencies un-prepared and created unprecedented panic among citizen. All types of dis-information were trending.
April 29th, 2021कोरोना कहाँ है?
ये तो भारत सरकार एवं स्वास्थ्य कर्मियों की महानता है कि ईंट-पत्थरों की मार खा कर, गालियाँ सुन कर भी दिन-रात कर्मयोगी बन इतने लोगों का टीकाकरण कर, इन्हें जीवन जीने का वरदान दिया है। जहिलता से भरे लापरवाह लोगों की भी जीवन रक्षा हेतु भारत के स्वास्थ्य कर्मियों की निःस्वार्थ सेवा की कितनी भी प्रशंसा की जाए कम ही है।
December 31st, 2021Mystery of Covid19 Masks
Spread of air borne Covid19 infection can be curtailed by wearing an appropriate mask. These masks trap the droplets produced by Cough, sneeze or talk. These masks also become a barrier should another person sprinkle the droplets. For asymptomatic persons, even home-made cloth masks may suffice. For general population as well as for people having cough/sneeze, a 3-layered commercial mask is desirable. These masks contain the droplets within the wearer and thus protects others. However, these masks do not prevent air leaking from the sides. Hence, micro-droplets do leak, either out (during cough/sneeze) or are inhaled in if in the ambient air (in the vicinity of Covid case).
January 17th, 2022Chinese Craft Lands at Mars; Covid19 Cough Scanner; DRDO Offers 2-Deoxy D-Glucose as Covid19 drug
The article elaborates the landing of Chinese Tianwen craft at Mars, the Development of a Covid cough scanner and 2-Deoxy D Glucose by DRDO.
May 29th, 2021Climate Butchery by Heavy Space Rockets
While natural spoils by volcanos, are not in our hands greenhouse gasses and particulates being added up by human through aviation and space activities are inexcusable. It includes exhaust gasses, products of vehicular destruction as well as burn-out of rockets, satellitess and other junks during re-entry. It is time for the UN bodies to frame laws to prevent greenhouse effects and be firm against the spoilers without bias.
November 24th, 2023If Compensating for Climate Change, Why Not Others?
The UN continues showing its biases in dealing with the global population while favouring one group and conveniently ignoring the others. There is no reason why only the Climate Change victims be compensated and not the Covid19, Jihad victims or the unprovoked war victims around the world. The time has come when the UN agencies have to be transparent in its approaches and be fair in compensating all types of victims falling prey to the ulterior motives of others.
December 28th, 2022Climate Change: Some Divergent Views
Preserving the Climate on planet Earth is the joint responsibility of all nations. There is no doubt that our planet has been exploited badly till now, in unplanned ways in the name of development. These activities have already induced Climate changes that may soon become irreversible.
December 26th, 2022Climate Change only Part-Concern of a Larger Enigma
The Earth is being continuously being degraded by multitudes of factors. The main culprits are the greenhouse effects of temperature caused mainly by the carbon loads of fossil fuel and Coal burning. The other factors that will make our planet uninhabitable is the nuclear explosions that only needs a trigger by any of the rogue nations possessing it. Surely a chain of retaliatory explosions will follow. There are stockpiles of thousands of nuclear bombs that can destroy our planet or at least make it uninhabitable. There is a need for Climate Activists to visualise the greater picture to preserve our precious environment so that we and our next generations could live safely, breathing healthy air.
November 29th, 2021Climate Change: Increasing Degradation of Stratosphere is a Major Concern
For long human development methods by developed nations ignored the basic principles of living in harmony with nature. The result is before us in the form of Climate Changes and Environmental adversities that may be reaching a stage of ‘difficult to return’.
February 24th, 2024Increasingly Unstable Himalayas
The Himalayas sitting over the tectonic fault lines is naturally vulnerable to instabilities and disruptions of several kinds. Human indulgence of creating infrastructures and habitats in the mountains without adequate consideration to the safety norms is the principle cause of the increasing devastation through mud/landslides triggered by the seismic activities.
February 17th, 2023Joshimath under Strain, A Scientist’s View Point (Part-1)
Joshimath is apparently sinking in some parts due to subsoil subsidence. However, many other areas in the region far away from Joshimath also show signs of sub-soil strain. Part-1 of the article takes a look at the problem through a scienst's eyes.
January 20th, 2023जोशीमठ भू-धसान के मानवीय पहलू
जहाँ सरकार वर्त्तमान आपदा का यथोचित निवारण की कोशिश कर रहा है वहीं उसे पीड़ितों के मानवीय पहलुओं पर भी ध्यान देना होगा।इसमें उनकी भौतिक मानसिक तथा बौद्धिक सहायता तथा उनके कारोबार व आजीविका की आवश्यकता भी है जिससे उनके परिवार बच्चों को कम से कम नुकसान उठाना पड़े।
February 1st, 2023Proud AFMC Doctors Celebrating Golden Jubilee
AFMC as a novel institution in India, bears a very special bonds with its graduates, most of whom serve as military medical officers in any of the three services of the Armed Forces. The 1974 batch recently had their Golden Jubilee Celebrations. This article provides a brief account of the memorable occasion.
November 26th, 2024ICICI Lombard Health Insurance Cheats its Customer in Emergency
ICICI Lombard health Insurance cheats its customer under emergency health care.
November 29th, 2024