Islamic radicalism
Religious radicalism
Quran as source of radicalism
Madrassa teaching radicalism
Friday 'Khutba' a radical teaching
Islamic Cancer Spreading in Russia
Islamic Terrorist attack in Dagestan on 23 Jun 24 is highly condemnable. It is unbelievable as to why the non-Muslims of the world are largely tolerating the global phenomena of the Islamic radicalism and terrorism which is fanning out from Quran.
June 30th, 2024Karim Khan Shames ICC
Kareem Khan is damaging the high reputation of the ICC.
May 26th, 2024Gaza: Ignored Accountability of Hamas Administration
In the on-going conflict, Hamas is direct stakeholder and they must be held accountable for the deaths and devastations in Gaza.
January 22nd, 2024Busy God Supplying Hoors
There is a Universal ethos for the human beings…’live and let live’. It is surprising for the mankind as to how their spiritual books could provide incentive of 72 hoors, to commit crimes against fellow human beings believing in other faiths.
August 10th, 2024Britain Diseased with Islamic Cancer
The communal attacks on Hindus and their temples in Leister (UK) on 17 Sep 22 indicate that the cancer of Islam on the British soil is there to stay. Who will know better than India that had to cut its own parts of the medieval Gandhar (Afghanistan), Sind (Pakistan) and Bengal due to Islamic Cancer. It is up to the British administration to choose whether they want to be corroded by the ever-proliferating Islamic cancer or get rid of them to have a peaceful existence.
September 23rd, 2022Uyghur Muslims: Progression of Radicalism over Centuries
Was there some injustice done to the Uyghur Muslims? Possibly ‘Yes’ esp in the present context. Who should claim the legitimacy to Xinjiang/East Turkestan/Kashgar/Shule? Why not the original Hans? Why not the Yuezhi? Why not the Buddhists? Why only Muslims? All four share a substantial part of the religious history of the beleaguered State.
May 28th, 2022Golden opportunity to label Pakistan as Terrorist State
Pakistan is at verge of being called a terrorist state. There are more than 140 UN proscribed terrorist in Pakistan.
January 1st, 2021सम्पादकीय : एक कड़वा सच
प्रताड़ित होने के बाद ही किसी गणतांत्रिक देश या ग़ैरइस्लामियों को समझ आता है कि ये जिहादी मुस्लिम कौम इतने खतरनाक, बर्बर और गन्दे हैं कि पूरी दुनियाँ को बर्बाद कर रहे हैं।
April 30th, 2022आधा-अधूरा
इस्लामिक देशों के अल्पसंख्यक की प्रताड़ना के बारे में बोलने या लिखने की हिम्मत ये नपुंसक पत्रकार जुटा नहीं पाते हैं क्योंकि कि वहाँ के राक्षसों द्वारा चबा कर पचा लिये लिये जाएँगे जैसा कि कई विदेशी व्यवसायिकों के साथ पाकिस्तान एवं पाकिस्तानी मानसिकता वाले इस्लामिक देशों में हो चुका है। अन्ततः यही कहा जा सकता है कि आधी-अधूरी, झूठी,खबरों को तोड़-मरोड़कर पेश करने वाले हिन्दूओं, हिंदुत्व, हिन्दूधर्म, हिंदुस्तान के खिलाफ लिखने-बोलने वाले पत्रकार तथा नामी-बदनाम हस्तियाँ भी आतंकवादियों की तरह ही खतरनाक हैं। देश और मानवता के हित के लिए, दोहरीकरण के नीतियों पर चलने वाले ये पत्रकार या मानवाधिकार वाले वास्तव में सामाजिक रूप से बहिष्कार किये जाने योग्य हैं, आतंकियों की तरह सजा पाने के भी हकदार हैं।
February 27th, 2022इस्लाम और राक्षसी प्रवृत्ति
मुसलमान मुहम्मद को पैगम्बर मानते होंगे लेकिन आज के विश्व समुदाय की दृष्टि में उनके द्वारा किए गए अरब जनजातियों का नरसंहार, उनकी महिलाओं का उत्पीड़न तथा उनके मंदिरों और मूर्तियों का तोड़-फोड़ किसी तरह सही नहीं ठहराया जा सकता। फिर आंशिक रूप से ध्वस्त किए अन्य धर्मों के मंदिरों को जिस तरह अपना मस्जिद बनाया यह तो अत्यंत घृणित था। राक्षसों की ऐसी ही कई कृतियों का वर्णन रामायण और अन्य ग्रंथों में भी मिलता है। भारत के सनातनियों ने शान्ति का राग बहुत अलाप लिया ,अब आवश्यकता है राक्षसी प्रवृत्तियों का ह्रास के लिए प्रयत्नशील होने की और शस्त्र उठाने की।
June 5th, 2022American War on Terror: Islamic Terror Wins
Pakistan has shown to the world how the mightiest’s own means and resources could be used against them. A bankrupt Pakistan used the dollars, weapons and the protectionism of USA to further the cause of Talibani Terrorists and their splinter groups, in the very lands that US-led allied forces occupied. They sheltered those terrorists whether Osama bin Laden, Mulla Omar, the Haqqani network, the Taliban fighters, the Al-Qaeda operatives, some of the ISIS groups and so on.
August 30th, 2021Growing Religious Discord in India (Part-1)
The author is finding it difficult to have an exact expression as to what is going on in India pertaining to the religious outcries in societies, spilling over on to the roads; whether it is religious disharmony, discord or the intolerance.
March 31st, 2023Kabul Blasts Expose Taliban-ISIS-Pakistan Nexus
One series of explosions and dozens of questions point out one single fact…that there could be more in the events unfolding in Kabul that meets the eyes. These events are surely driving the Afghans to desperation. It could also be a double-game of Taliban-ISIS-Pakistan. The safety of the remaining Allied Forces on Afghan soil could be in great danger.
August 28th, 2021World Must Adopt Chinese model of Islam
Radical Islam possesses threats to several non-Islamic nations the world over, China has effectively kept them under check…both in preventing their proliferation as well as restricting their intolerance and bigotry towards others. The Chinese model of Islam has prevented the growth of Islamic terrorism in China. The measures adopted by the Chinese against their Muslims are acceptable even to the Islamic nations.
October 19th, 2022Guterres Blunders, Justifies Hamas, Shames UN/UNSC
Mr Guterres has blundered in his address in the UNSC on 24 Oct 23 by trying to justify the Hamas Jihadi attack on Israel.
October 24th, 2023Social Darwinism, Islam and Kashmir-1990 & Now
The events of 1990 in Kashmir had seriously challenged the possibility of peaceful living of the followers of Indian religions with the fellow Muslims. It refreshed the pains of partition of India when a large section of the communities of Indian religion were forced to flee from Pakistan and about ~18% of those who did not migrate, perished by now…converted, fled or killed. This is the fact sheet of Muslim majority state…be it Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan or Bangladesh.
October 26th, 2021चलते-चलाते : दुष्ट नेता खेलते
पुरूष मानसिकता की विकृतियाँ,
काले पर्दे के अंदर की आकृतियाँ,September 29th, 2022कश्मीर में जिहाद व हिन्दू प्रताड़ना
समय आ गया है हिन्दू एकजुट और सतर्क हो जाएँ। एक भी हिन्दू को अपने स्थान से पलायन न करना पड़े इसके लिए सरकार के साथ साथ हमें भी जागरूक होना पडेगा।जिहादियों के खिलाफ लोहा लेना ही होगा। उनकी मिट्टी पलीद करने का वक्त आ गया है।
June 2nd, 2022Looking Back at Ralive, Tsalive ya Galive : January 1990 Genocide of Kashmiri Pandits
19 Jan 90 was a day of national shame when Kashmiri Muslims colluded with JKLF and their Pak handlers to commit genocide of their fellow Pandits. This article looks back at those instances with recommendations that could again bring peace in Kashmir valley.
January 18th, 2022फरेबी I-N-D-I-A जमात
फरेबियों की जमात ने जान बूझ कर अपना नाम I-N-D-I-A रखा ताकि ये चुनाव प्रचार के दौरान अपने आप को INDIA बता कर कुछ सहानुभूति पा सकें।
August 1st, 2023Is Indian Govt Handling the Pakistan Terror Issues skilfully?
Time has come when Indian govt must prepare a comprehensive dosier against Pakistan on the numerous evidence-based terror-related activities as mentioned in the text box above. More evidence available with the intelligence agencies of India or our friendly nations like Afghnistan, USA and so on, may be added.
February 25th, 2021Taliban Triumph of Afghanistan: What it means to the World ?
Islamic terrorists will draw inspiration globally from Taliban defeating the world’s most powerful military, the US-led NATO forces in Afghanistan. Their confidence will grow in Palestine, Gaza, Sahel region, the African continent, India, Russia, Europe and finally within USA itself. The non-Muslim nations are likely to witness increasing Islamic Jihad to further the cause of Global Islamic Caliphate. Soon the head of this poisonous snake called Radical Islam / Jihad will have to be crushed else the humanity will suffer. This can only be done by acting united…something like another Crusade, the holy war against the enemy of humanity, the intolerant Islam.
August 21st, 2021Islamic Hate & Intolerance: Treat the Disease not Symptoms
The treatment of the ongoing Jihad the world over is not only by rapprochement by the different communities but also by removing the root cause, the 60 hateful and intolerant verses of Quran/Hadith that Muslims call Holy. It cannot be preached in non-Islamic and secular states. A Chinese model of dealing with such hate & intolerance of Quran may be followed.
April 22nd, 2022त्यौहार और पलटूराम-घोटालूवाल
फिल्मों के अभिनेता तो सिर्फ पर्दे पर अभिनय करते हैं परन्तु खेजरीवाल वास्तविक जीवन में उन सभी प्रसिद्ध अभिनेताओं से भी श्रेष्ठ अभिनय करते हैं। ऐसे राजनितिज्ञों के लिये हिन्दू त्यौहार भी राजनीतिक वोट भुनाने का मुद्दा है, जिसके लिए घोटालूवाल रंगबदलूवाल भी बन जाते हैं।
October 30th, 2022Has Imran Khan Become liability for Pak Army?
Opposition political groups in Pakistan are gunning for Imran Khan to resign. PDM represents most of the radical and jihadi groups in Pakistan.
January 1st, 2021हिज़ाब के फायदे
अनेकों आपराधिक कार्य, पुलिस की नजरें बचा कर,बुर्के ही आड़ में पहचान छुपा कर, किये जाते हैं। सतर्कता से देखें तो पायेंगे कि बुर्का नसीन अपराधी पुलिस को आसानी से गुमराह करते हैं जिस पर पाबंदी आवश्यक है। जाने कितने आतंकी, नशे एवं स्वर्ण-तस्कर अवैध सामग्री, हथियारों तथा बॉम्ब के तस्करी करते हुए बुर्का-पहनावे में पकड़े गए हैं। हाल ही में श्रीनगर में बुर्के में छुपा लाये गए बॉम्ब को सीमा-सुरक्षा बल के जवानों पर फेंकते हुए आतंकी गिरफ्तार किये गए हैं।
March 31st, 2022सम्पादकीय: आये दिन हत्याएँ, फिर भी इस्लाम शांतिपूर्ण !
बर्बर,घृणित पाप से परिपूर्ण राक्षसी संस्कृति का विश्वस्तर पर तिरस्कार कर, पापियों को कटघरे में खड़ा कर कड़ी से कड़ी सजा का प्रावधान क्यों नहीं किया जाए ताकि इंसानियत सुरक्षित रह सके।
June 29th, 2022राक्षसों का रोजगार
प्रत्येक नागरिक की सुरक्षा के प्रति सरकार कितनी सक्षम है यह तो समय ही बताएगा; परन्तु निरपराधों, असहायों बेबसों की सुरक्षा तभी सम्भव है जब कोई दृढ़ निश्चयी राम की ही तरह सोचें कि ...'करिष्यामि न संदेहो नोत्सहन्तुमीदृशां।
August 30th, 202260 Hateful & Intolerant Verses of Quran (Part-2)
The 60 hateful and intolerant verses of Quran shown in this article are incompatible for the peaceful coexistence of citizens in Secular and Democratic nations. It must be amended or deleted.
April 2nd, 2022Congress Loses Conscience, Allies with Radical Muslims
Congress is treading a dangerous path of aligning with the radicals & jihadists in Kerala, West Bengal and Assam. The party has donned a shameless communal masks for a narrow political gain. The Communists are facing the heat in own ruled state of Kerala. It is a very strange electoral alliance that both Congress and Communists are facing in each other. However, far away from the communal and partisan politics, India as a nation is being challenged to preserve its integrity.
March 2nd, 2021Did Imran Fail Pak or Pak Failed Imran ?
It is a composite failure of all Pakistani Govts of past, especially from the late 1980s after they started investing in the terror industry as well as in covert aspirations of a nuclear bomb. Today, any financial anomaly, any terror acts taking place in any part of the world has a Pakistani link. Pakistan is fast heading towards a failed States of the world that is worrisome for international agencies, fearing its nuclear arsenals getting into the wrong hands. It can only be debated whether Imran failed Pakistan or Pakistan failed Imran
April 9th, 2022Factual Islamophobia in the World…
There is no shame in acknowledging that there is increasing Islamophobia in the world owing to the Islam being a faith of hate and intolerance. Islamic hate towards the believers of other religions and faith started from the days of Mohamed and continues even today.
May 14th, 2022While UN Celebrates the “Tolerance Day…”
While UN is trying to promote tolerance, the intolerance of Islam is taking a heavy toll of the lives all around the worl. The world is in the termoils due essentially to Islam. It wants to have a global Islamic caliphate, proliferate the numbers of the Muslim community and then have suprimacy of numbers.
January 5th, 2021सम्पादकीय : "आज के जरा और जरासंध"
The demonic characters in the present political system represent the very old phenomena of 'Jaraasandh".
June 30th, 2021"दाग - धब्बे" - Characterless Politicians
वस्तुतः हम दाग और धब्बे सामान्यतया एक ही अर्थ वाले शब्द हैं, फिर भी हम इन दोनों शब्दों का कभी अलग-अलग तथा कभी युग्म शब्द के रूप को प्रयोग में लाते है। इनका प्रयोग सांकेतिक, रूपक, शैली, बिम्ब, प्रतिबिम्ब एवं प्रतीकों के लिए भी किया जाता है।
January 5th, 2021New ‘Islamo-Fascism’ in the World
Muslims support the Jihadists who kill Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs in various parts of the world only because they follow different ideologies. They are bigots, intolerants and fascists. The entire community supports Jihad against anyone having different opinion against Islam.
January 5th, 2021Imran’s Ouster: A Beginning of Unstable Pakistan ?
We can say for sure that Pakistan is headed towards an uncertain path for both the new govt and the members of the ex-ruling parties. Imran and some of his minister's fates will be uncertain. High profile loots by the politicians are on cards. High pitch rhetorics against the previous govt officials and India could be expected in the period preceding the next elections.
April 9th, 2022बिहार के गड़ेरिये, भेड़ एवं लकड़बग्घे
बिहार में हिन्दुओं के लिए नेता गड़ेरिये तथा मुस्लिम भेड़िये-लकड़बग्घे की तरह हैं जो निरन्तर इन्हें बेचारगी एवँ मौत की ओर धकेलते हुए सशक्त होते जा रहे हैं। भगवान ही इन निहत्थे एवं पलायनवादी प्रवृति के हिन्दुओं की रक्षा करें, सरकार तो सिर्फ स्वार्थ साधने में लगी हुई है।
July 31st, 2022Major Jihadi Attacks in the World
The followings are the official numbers of incidents involving major Islamic Jihadi attacks the world over that caused significant casualties of >10 with several folds of those injured many of whom succumbed to their injuries at a later date.
December 28th, 2022"विष-वृक्षारोपण" - The Seeds of Evil
देखा तो नहीं परन्तु सुनने में आया है कि अफ्रीका के जंगलों में मांसाहारी तथा नरभक्षी वृक्ष भी पाये जाते हैं, भारत में इसके होने का कोई प्रमाण नहीं मिलता, परन्तु इस अभाव की पूर्ति सांकेतिक तौर पर कुछ नेताओं द्वारा की जा रही है।
January 5th, 2021सम्पादकीय : लोकप्रियता, विकास एवं तड़प
गद्दारों को मोदीजी से खफा होना स्वाभाविक ही है परन्तु देशहितैषियों, देशभक्तों एवं आम गरीबों के लिए तो मोदीजी निः संदेह उनके हृदय के राजराजेश्वर ही हैं। अपना जीवन राष्ट्र को समर्पित कर जिन्होंने सबका विकास, सबका साथ,सबका विश्वास,सबका सहयोग का मंत्र ले निरंतर गतिशीलता को आत्मसात किया है।
October 30th, 2022पिशाची किताब
जहिलता कि हदें पार कर खूंखार जानवर बने रहना , स्त्रियों और बच्चों को मानसिक रूप से गुलाम और खूंखार लक्कड़बग्घों या राक्षस-राक्षसी बनाना या स्वयँ भी सभ्य बन अपने परिवार को सभ्य और उदार इन्सान बनाना। ये यहाँ के उन मुसलमानों के लिए भी चिंतन का विषय है जो कई पीढ़ियों पूर्व इस्लामी बलात्कारियों ,अत्याचारियों के चंगुल में फँस कर अपना सभ्य उदार स्त्रियों को सम्मानित करने वाला सनातन वैदिक हिन्दू धर्म का त्याग कर जान बचाने के लिए इस्लाम को आत्मसात कर, कुरान के संदेशों को अपनी जिंदगी का अहम हिस्सा बना लिया है।अपने सच्चे इंसानियत के संरक्षक पूर्वजों को भी याद कर उन्हें सम्मान देने की इजाजत मज़हबियों को नहीं है।जिसे वे सम्मान दे रहे हैं वे तो उनके पूर्वजों को कत्ल करने वाले, उनकी स्त्रियों को जबरन सेक्स-स्लेव बनाने वाले, बर्बरतापूर्ण अत्याचार कर उनसे इस्लाम कबूल वाने वाले रेगिस्तानी खानाबदोश दरिंदे थे।
August 19th, 2021सम्पादकीय: निशाने पर हिन्दू
धर्म नीति पर चलने वाले ,हिन्दू तेरी कैसी किस्मत?
भारत में यमराज जिहादी, हिंसा ही है जिसकी फितरत।August 30th, 2022"ग्रहदशा” : मोदी सरकार वनाम राहु-केतु - Modi's Adversaries
The odds against Modi Govt
January 5th, 2021Combating ‘Love Jihad’ in India
Muslims are carrying out a form of Jihad the world around to convert the women from other religions. This is done with intent to increase the world population of Muslims, towards a larger Muslim Caliphate.
March 30th, 2021And the Veils Go off in Switzerland
Head & Face coverings that include all forms of Islamic head-coverings, will be banned in the public places of Switzerland. One can only hope that the Muslims living in homogenousity in the other parts of world take a leaf or two out of it and do not vitiate their social environment with distrust. This point is especially relevant for the Muslims because in todays’ world, Islam is at odds with most, if not all other religions in the world.
March 30th, 2021Jihadi Beast-hood Shaming Humanity: Jews, Yezidis, Kashmiri Pandits or Others
Hamas act of brutal beastly behaviour on 7th Oct 23 in Israel shows the perverted form of Islamic ideologies of Jihad. Their current barbarism against Israel represents their similar inhuman acts elsewhere in the past whether against Yezidis, Kashmiri Pandits, Hindus or African Tribes and so on.
October 15th, 2023Ideologically Bankrupt Congress Party of Today
Congress party of today has lost all its moral values and has become ideologically bankrupt. It is seen by the political experts as anti-poor, Muslim appeasing and anti-national in many ways. The article elaborates it.
January 20th, 2022भारत में बढ़ती मुस्लिम आवादी: एक खतरा
पिछले लगभग दो सालों से गृह मंत्री अमितशाह शायद किसी उलझन में हैं कि उन्हें मुसलामानों की जनसंख्याँ वृद्धि, भारत का बदलता धार्मिक स्वरुप (religious demography), जिहाद का बढ़ता खतरा और हिन्दुओं में असुरक्षा की भावना नहीं दीख रहा। उनके लिए तीन कार्य अत्यावश्यक हैं। एक तो ‘समान आचार संहिता’, दूसरे ‘जनसंख्याँ नियामक क़ानून’ और तीसरे सबसे महत्वपूर्ण, भारत को एक ‘हिन्दू (या भारतीय धर्म ) राष्ट्र’ घोषित करना।
July 11th, 2022दमन
March 31st, 2022पाप-शाप और राक्षस
दोष तो क्रोधी ऋषियों का भी बनता है जिनके श्रापों के कारण विभिन्न प्रकार के भयंकर-भयंकर राक्षस इस देव-भूमि आर्यावर्त में अबोध मनुष्यों साधु-संतों का नरसंहार करने तथा स्त्रियों की मान-मर्यादा का सर्वनाश करने के लिए पैदा होकर पसर गए हैं।
March 30th, 2022Islamic Hate, Intolerance, Bigotry & Fascism and the Global Caliphate
The elements of hate, intolerance, bigotry and fascism against the believers and followers of other faiths & religions are inherent in Islam. This is why Islam is at conflict with almost all other religions of the world today. It is incompatible with world peace. Time has come when the verses of hate/ intolerance from the religious Islamic books have to be removed.
June 20th, 2021सोचो समझो जागो
India will have to rise above the caste politics
June 30th, 2021Muslims of India Part-3 : How Could Hindu-Muslim Divide be Narrowed?
Shri Narendra Modi, the beloved PM of India has justly put a slogan of “Sabka sath, sabka vikas, sabka vishwas”. Time has come when this slogan needs to be put in to action in a democratic way, with inclusive participation of all communities. If this effort of Hindu-Muslim amity succeeds, which many of us believe it will, India will again become a Golden bird of the world, an example of exemplary interfaith amity, cordiality. And living.
February 26th, 2022आज के रक्तबीजों का वध कैसे हो ?
राक्षसी धर्म को मानने वाला एक रक्तबीज विश्व के सम्मुख है जिसका वध अत्यावश्यक है। उनका मानना है दूसरे धर्मों को नष्ट करो और विश्व में राक्षसी धर्म फैलाओ। साल २०१४ में एक इराकी राक्षस अल बग़दादी ने विश्व खलीफत की घोषणा की और विश्व के लगभग सारे राक्षस एक जुट हो गए। एक धर्म युद्ध आरम्भ हुआ है जिसमें माँ दुर्गा की शक्ति की आवश्यकता आ पडी है।
October 14th, 2021बुर्का-हिज़ाब,घूँघट, बिकनी
भारत की स्त्रियों को सार्वजनिक स्थानों पर इन दोनों ही विदेशी आयातित परिधानों ( बिकनी एवं बुर्का-हिजाब) का विरोध कर अपनी जड़ों से जुड़े रहना चाहिए। मौसम के अनुरूप सुरुचिपूर्ण सुंदर शालीन परिधान के साथ स्वतंत्र-अनुशाषित जीवन शैली तथा वैचारिक उदारवादी प्रगतिशीलता को मानवकल्याण के लिये अपनाना ही हमारी सभ्यता है।
February 27th, 2022समस्या नूपुर की या सभी की?
What Nupur Sharma spoke was truth mentioned in Islamic books and there was no justification in castigating her.
June 30th, 2022सम्पादकीय : "शान्त जल की लहरों के तले”
आवश्यक चेतनता, सुनियोजित कठोर निर्णय और कार्यवाही ही यहाँ इस देश एवँ देश के नागरिकों को सुरक्षित रख सकता है। भारत में यह शांत जल एक बड़े तूफ़ान के पहले का सूचक सा प्रतीत होता है।परमात्मा वैदिक संस्कृति की रक्षा करें।
March 30th, 2021A Troubled Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem
Al-Aqsa mosque constructed on the ruins of Jewish temple has always been a source of confrontation between Muslims & Jews. The recent Israel-Palastine conflict was caused due to it.
May 19th, 2021Congress and India : Unhealthy Collusions
Congress as a political party is a shadow of its own past. Whether its past was glorious, is debatable. In the present congress, there is none who can claim of having taken significant part in the independence movements yet they claim so. Congress leaderships have been marred with numerous scams over several decades hence, some calling them synonymous with Corruption. Todays’ Congress maintains its old image of being Muslim appeaser at the cost of Hindu interests, even colluding with radical Islamists and Jihadists.
July 25th, 2022Muslims of India : Part-2; Why the Hindu-Muslim Distrust and Gap ?
The causative factors for Hindu-Muslim distrust and divide in India is not isolated but global; Islam being at odds with most, if not all other religions / faiths in the world…be it Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikkhism, Jew or Parsis and so on. These reasons are not of recent discontent but in existence since Islam was founded by a person who had deep hatred against the followers of other faiths, who was instrumental in committing their genocides.
January 16th, 2022भागते भूत की लंगोटी : हनुमान चालीसा की शक्ति : महाराष्ट्र और बंगाल
बेचारे बालासाहेब ! आत्मा उन्हें कोसती होगी कि उन्होंने तो हिन्दुओं की रक्षा के लिए शिव-सेना का गठन किया था परन्तु उनके कुपुत्र ने उसे ‘भूत-सेना’ क्यों और कब बना दिया ?
June 21st, 2022सम्पादकीय : "चित भी मेरी,पट भी मेरी"
Both sides of the coin are mine. I must not lose.
April 29th, 2021PFI Ban: Govt Treating Symptoms Not the Disease
Govt of India has taken a courageous step to ban PFI. However, the injured snake may bite back. Home ministry must keep vigil in this regard.
The world needs to take a joint call for confronting the Islamic disease and not merely treating the symptoms.
September 27th, 2022भारत में आतंकवाद: सिर्फ कश्मीर तक ?
हालाँकि वर्तमान मोदी सरकार इन आतंकवादियों के खिलाफ कार्यवाही कर रही है लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि जम्मू कश्मीर में कट्टरवादियों ने जो जिहाद १९९० में शुरू किया था वह चोरी छुपे चल ही रहा है और यह सरकार को संज्ञान में लेकर ही आगे की कार्यवाही करनी पड़ेगी I
July 11th, 2024गुब्बारा फट गया
दारू के नशे में चूर 'आम आदमी' एवं कोंग्रेस पार्टी के नेता (भगवंत मान,डी. के.शिवकुमार) खुद को ही अपने पाँव पर नहीं संभाल पा रहे हैं तो वे प्रदेश को कैसे संभालेंगे, स्वाभाविक है कि ऐसे नेता कर्नाटक को बर्बाद ही करेंगे।
May 31st, 2023जय श्रीराम तथा हनुमान चालीसा से कष्ट क्यों?
हाल में महाराष्ट्र में हनुमान चालीसा के पाठ के खिलाफ लिये गए कार्यवाही ने बता दिया है कि भूत-पिशाच जैसे नेताओं को हनुमान चालीसा के पाठ से तिलमिलाहट होती है ठीक उसी तरह जैसे बंगाल की डाकिन को रामचंद्र जी नामोच्चारण से होती है।
April 30th, 2022असहिष्णु अल्लाह की तुलना सनातनी ॐकार से क्यों ?
यह कैसा अल्लाह है जो इस्लाम को न मानने वालों को जान से मारने की धमकी देकर अपना वर्चस्व बढ़ाने की कोशिश करता है ? ऐसा करने या सोचने वाला परमेश्वर नहीं हो सकता। भारत जैसे किसी भी वहुधर्मी देश में कुरान की ऐसी आयातें संशोधित की जाए या उसपर प्रतिवंध लगे।
February 12th, 2023तीन गांधी, तीन हत्याएँ, तीन प्रतिक्रियाएँ
एक महात्मा एवं दो छद्म गांधियों की कुछ सांप्रदायिक कारणों से तीन अलग अलग व्यक्तियों द्वारा हत्याएँ की गयी हैं। जहाँ महात्मा के हत्यारे गोडसे से किसी भी तरह की वैचारिक सहानुभूति व्यक्त करने वालों से ज्यादातर लोग हीन भाव तथा धृणा की दृष्टि रखते हैं वहीं इंदिरा गांधी के हत्यारों को सिख पंथ द्वारा शहीदों की गिनती में रखा जाता है और कोई भी सिख पंथ के खिलाफ नहीं बोलता। उधर राजीव गांधी जी के हत्यारों तथा तमिल ईसाई गुटों को कोई जिम्मेदार नहीं ठहराता।
January 30th, 2022Abuses on Sanatan Dharma by DMK & Christians in Tamil Nādu
DMK leaders and Christian clerics in TN seem to be at the threshold of crossing ‘Laxman Rekha’ of religious intolerance. If it continues, it will only be a matter of time before the offended Hindus retaliate.
March 24th, 2024मोदी जी ! मुफ़्ती-अब्दुल्ला की मुराद जानें और मानें (भाग-२)
Farooq Abdulla asked the Indian govt to re-instate article 370 else he would love to be ruled by the Chinese. Kashmiri ex-leaders possibly prefer the way China is treating its Uyghur Muslims. The time has come when Indian govt may consider the Chinese model of handling Muslims.
January 1st, 2021एक संदेश : सावधान
अफगानिस्तान को अगर तालिबानीयों ने अपने अधिकार में लिया है तो दुनियाँ क्यों पागल हो रही? क्या किसी भी इस्लामिक देश को आपने अफ़ग़ानिस्तानियों के लिए परेशान देखा है? क्योंकि इनके लिये इस्लाम और तालिबान एक दूसरे के पूरक हैं और इसे सभी इस्लामिक देशों का समर्थन प्राप्त है।
August 28th, 2021Mosques: A Symbol of Interfaith Hate & Intolerance
Bomb blasts in many mosques while assembling, seizure of arms & ammunition by police, storing and pelting stones from mosques bear testimony to the fact that it is being turned into a source of hate & intolerance.
March 31st, 2023O Women! Thy Shall Remain Subservient in Islam Or Else…
Not that the skirts, mini-skirts or the jeans are any better than the traditional dresses but it does indicate the mindset…of being part of the homogenous crowd. This mindset has slowly been replaced by the attires of radical Islam of today. This will be one of the challenges of the progressive Muslim women of Afghanistan. The other challenge for these women will be pursuing their professional careers. The Taliban will oppose tooth & nails against rubbing shoulders with male counterparts. They are vehemently opposed to women doing journalism. Many such women have already been killed by them this year itself and they have already issued the dictum…go back to the four walls of your homes. They are highly intolerant to the educated women becoming administrators.
August 19th, 2021Islam and Many Ayodhyas of the World
Islam as a religion of hate, intolerance, bigotry and fascism is at a crossroads of world history. The sins of the past Islamic rulers in destroying the numerous temples and idols of other religions and faiths continue to extend their shadows in the present times too. Muslims of India and the world must admit that the injustice done to other faiths by Muhammed, whom they regard their prophet and all other caliphs and rulers must be undone and redressed.
January 3rd, 2022Implications of a Sudden Peace-Offer by Traditional Foe…Pakistan
Pakistan has played one of its trump card by chanting Prace-mantra with India. Whether the Modi govt bites this Paki bait or not, the Jaichands on our land are pooh-pooh. It has already served the Paki purpose of initiating Pro-Pak debate in Indian media. Soon Pakistan will claim on international forum that even Indian population has welcome their peace proposal but Indian Govt is averse to it.
March 21st, 202160 Hateful & Intolerant Verses of Quran (Part-1)
The 60 hateful and intolerant verses of Quran shown in this article are incompatible for the peaceful coexistence of citizens in Secular and Democratic nations. It must be amended or deleted.
April 2nd, 2022Muted UNHRC Response Encouraging Islamic Genocide
There are several types of Human Rights Violations going on the world over, ranging from minor offences to gross genocidal violence. If one major cause of these violence is to be singled out, it is Quran preaching Islamic intolerance & atrocities, barbarism and genocide.
February 26th, 2023इस्लाम की हैवानियत
विश्व समुदाय याद रखें कल उनकी भी बारी आएगी। आने वाले सालों और दशकों में इस्लाम की हैवानियत से कोई भी देश, प्रांत या समुदाय अछूता नहीं रह पाएगा। काफी दिनों से कुछ आवाजें उठ तो रहीं हैं लेकिन उसका कोई असर नहीं पड़ रहा है।वक्त आ गया है विश्व समुदाय संगठित होकर इन आतताइयों का सफाया करे चाहे उसके लिए जो भी कीमत उठाना पड़े I
June 28th, 2022Pope Francis in Fool’s Paradise or Making Political Gimmicks?
World-Christians facing Islamic terrorism and persecutions are not convinced with Pope’s present political stunts with radical Islam. As long as Quran exists in its current form, extremist and terrorist organisations will continue growing from it esp to commit Jihad against non-Muslims.
September 5th, 2024भारत में हिन्दू असहाय क्यों ?
भारत सरकार को चाहिए कि जल्द से जल्द गहन विचारोपरांत एक संविधान संशोधन क़ानून लाए जिसके अनुसार भारत के मूल धर्मावलम्बियों की प्रतिशत जनसंख्याँ में गिरावट को तुरंत संज्ञान का विषय बनाया जाय और इसे रोकने के लिए हर कदम उठाए जाएँ । अगर ऐसा नहीं किया जा सकता तो फिर भारत को "भारतीय धर्म राष्ट्र" घोषित किया जाए और इसके लिए जो भी करना हो, जनआशीर्वाद से सरकार को करना चाहिए।
August 29th, 2021UN Must Make the Perpetrators of Violence Pay for the Many Famines
It is unfortunate that United Nations, its Security Council, the various Human Rights Groups and the World Food Program has been ignoring the huge human and financial costs imposed by the Jihadists in the recent decades. Some of the non-Jihadist violence too have been the reasons of suffering in other nations. The time is come when the warring groups considered responsible for the famine, must be asked to compensate.
July 19th, 2021Oppressed Women in Islam
Muslims of the world may be reluctant to accept that their women are largely oppressed. Leaving exceptions, they lack the freedom and liberty enjoyed by women of other religions and faiths.
November 24th, 2022बिहार में रावण रूपी राक्षस का बढ़ता प्रकोप
बिहार को शाप चाहे जिसकी भी लगी हो, उससे मुक्त होने के लिए हम बिहारियों को रावण रूपी राक्षस से निपटना ही होगा।
July 17th, 2023The New Kashmir Initiative
All Indians will hope and pray that the new initiative by the PM brings renewed hope of peaceful political and economic developments in the newly formed UT of J&K…to fulfil the aspirations of all…Hindu & Muslims…men & women…old and young.
June 29th, 2021Britain Diseased with Islamic Cancer, Reluctant for Treatment
It is up to the British administration to choose whether they want to be corroded/eaten-up by the ever ever-proliferating Islamic cancer or get rid of it to have a peaceful existence through various measures suggested in this rticle.
November 16th, 2023India and a Talibani Afghanistan
Now comes the main question…where does India stand in the complex issue of Afghanistan? How can India keep its objective relevant? Surely not by Military presence as they will surely be seen as occupying forces drawing jihadi ire.
April 29th, 2021उदयनिधि जैसे नफरती का क्या हो ?
अगर स्टालिन अपने बेटे के ऊपर कोई कार्यवाही नहीं करता तो फिर शायद हिन्दू समाज को क़ानून अपने हाथों में लेना होगा, फिर उसका जो भी परिणाम हो। सनातन याहिन्दू धर्म का अपमान करने वाला कोई भी भारत में चैन से नहीं सो सकता।
September 4th, 2023Is Quran a Source of Hate & Intolerance ?
Mohamed Rizvi’s writ petition may have been dismissed but basic belief of Quran & Hadith preaching hate and intolerance remains. The radical Muslims are bound to create greater problems in India as their population is huge, proliferating at 50% higher than Hindu. The Indian Home Minister and the Minister of religious affairs should seek a direction from the Supreme Court of India to review all religious books of Hindu, Muslims, Christians and Sikhs if they preach discrimination, hate or intolerances.
February 10th, 2022सम्पादकीय : "होई है सोई जो राम रचि राखा"
Islamic jihadi tradition compares to some extent with the mythological Demonic culture and traditions.
June 8th, 2021घटियापन की अतिशयता
Some of the Congress & AAP leaders have been talking of very low of their political behaviours.
April 29th, 2021Hate against Hindu, Hinduism and Hindutva
The recently held conference in USA on 'Dismantling Global Hindutva' was a motivated propaganda to name and shame Hinduism. The organisers did not know the meaning of Hindutva. Amidst plethora of issues and dangers before the world, Hindutva was the last that needed a discussion. The organisers and the speakers ran their Hinduphobic agenda to abuse Hinduism.
The organisers seemed to be belonging to the group of Islamist-Leftist-anti BJP leanings, did their best to defame Hinduism, BJP, RSS and Modi govt. The article covers all aspects of the conference.
September 15th, 2021Britain of Rapist Muslims, Docile White Men; Hesitant Police and Helpless Ministers
Muslims have been sexually exploiting British women for decades and the instances are increasing after their recent migration, proliferation and formation of ghettos. It is up to the British administration to choose whether they wish their women to be preyed upon by the radical rapists indulging in a form of Jihad (al-Nikah and ud-Dawa) or take measures that may be perceived by pseudo-secularists as harsh.
April 7th, 2023Deafening Silence of UNHRC on Persecution of Religious Minorities in Islamic Nations
One would expect the UN/UNHRC to come good and strong for the protection of religious minorities at risk in Islamic nations esp in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, the Middle-East and the African nations. It is so painful to observe the partisan and biased approaches of Amnesty International, the Human Rights as well as the UN that they dont even highlight the ongoing religious persecution and genocides of their minorities in those nations. What else could be more shameful for the UNHRC?
June 20th, 2022सम्पादकीय : 'गुण्डे बचाओ' अभियान'
ममता, सोनियाँ, राहुल, ओवैसी, अखिलेश, नीतीश, खेजरिवाल ऐसे कुछ नेता पागलपन की स्थिति में पागलखाने जाने लायक हो गए हैं। लेकिन इनके पागलपन का इलाज करने के लिए किसी विशेष डॉक्टर की जरूरत है, जिसे ढूँढना नितांत आवश्यक है।
April 29th, 2023Pakistan, Islamic Terrorism and India
Pakistan has well established itself as a hub centre of global terror. India and Indians will be foolish to keep tolerating Islamic radicalism, extremism and terrorism emanating from Pak. Indian Muslims must acknowledge this fact and live cordially with peace-loving fellow Hindus rather than siding with Pak radicals in spreading Jihad in India.
April 28th, 2023Another Terror Attack in Poonch (J&K)
Pak is reeling under a severe economic crunch. It may be in both Pak and Indian interests to initiate a bilateral dialogue to get the POK vacated by Pak army. If they refuge (which in all likelihood they may), India will have a valid reason to get it vacated by force. There is a saying “लोहा गरम है, हथौड़ा मारो”. It may be time to launch multi-pronged retaliatory and proactive military attacks on both Jihadi Estts and their Armed Forces as well as a credible diplomatic offensive against the govt of Pakistan.
April 28th, 2023Jihadists are Threat to World, Not only to Israel
The bottom-line of the current Hamas-United Jihad Council (UJC) attacks on Israel is a pointer to the world that wherever there are Jihadi snakes either on your territories or in the vicinity, they will strike non-Muslims at will.
October 9th, 2023पलायन छोड़ो, आत्मरक्षा में बन्दूक उठाओ
जो लोग १९९० या उसके बाद घाटी से पलायन किए वे आज तक देश के विभिन्न शहरों में अपने जड़ से अलग,विस्थापितों का जीवन व्यतीत कर रहे हैं।आज आवश्यकता है उनमें इक्षा-शक्ति लाने की जिससे वे सब एक होकर अधिकार पूर्वक वहीं रह सकें।
December 27th, 2022शहीद के परिवार की पीड़ा
मृतकों के लिए किसी के 'ऊँ शांति' कहने मात्र से जिंदगी वापस नहीं आती है न ही आतंकियों के पापकृत्य पवित्र हो जाते हैं हाँ कुछ क्षण के लिए ये शब्द स्वयँ को आत्मशांति जरूर देती है।
August 31st, 2023चलते-चलाते: दुर्दान्तकारी दृश्य
दुर्दान्तकारी दृश्य से, दहल गया हृदय कहीं,
जालिमों के अंत का, कसम लिया गया यहीं।
October 30th, 2023Muslims of India : Part-1; What is the Hindu-Muslim Divide ?
Muslims in India are at the crossroads today. While the majority of them are as Indian, as patriotic as others, there are allegations of them towing the line of radical Islam. There are many instances of them siding with anti-national and Jihadi forces with mob-mindset. This article tries to find out as to WHAT is the increasing Hindu-Muslim rifts causing widening gaps between them.
January 4th, 2022Hey Sweden! OIC will Dictate UN/UNHRC; You can do Nothing
There is a saying, might is right. The numerical voting might of the OIC at the UN is formidable and they are able to bulldoze their radical narratives easily.
July 5th, 2023विड़म्बना
एकतरफा सहनशीलता, भाई-चारे के राग, धर्मनिरपेक्षता का छद्म आडंबर करने वाले प्रायः धूर्तता ,धोखाधड़ी के सहारे लूट-पाट, हत्याओं में मशगूल रहने हैं।कोई भी कट्टर इस्लामिक जिहादी समूह मानवतावादी विचारों,धर्मों, एवं शान्ति की चाहत रखने वाले समुदायों के लिए घातक है।
June 29th, 2023Kosovo Being Engulfed by Islamic Cancer
Kosovo is an ideal place for Islamic cancer to spread its wings in Europe. There are several vulnerable states in the vicinity struggling with post pandemic and post ‘Russia-Ukraine war” economic devastations that will soon start feeling the Islamic heat. The USA-led NATO is playing a dirty game there.
June 3rd, 2023India Diseased by Three Cancers...Communalism, Congress and Communism
In a democratic and secular nation, everyone has the rights to enjoy the fruits of equality, freedom of Life & Liberty, non-exploitation, freedom of religion amidst some others. However, Islamic Communalism has been repeatedly violating all norms.
June 13th, 2023British New Definition of Extremism
British new definition of ideological extremism will surely help identify and control it, the main issue being rapidly growing Islamism. Since Quranic verses violate fundamental rights, it must be amended or banned in non-Islamic nations.
March 15th, 2024Gaza of Jihadists, Sympathisers and Innocent Palestinians
Israeli govt has taken a firm resolve to wipe out Hamas from Gaza. With the aerial attack initiated and ground attack launched on 25 Oct 23, the IDF seem moving forward to achieve their immediate goal.
October 25th, 2023UN Indifference to Recent Islamic Atrocities
In the present Israel-Hamas war, the UN/UNSC/UNHRC is overtly seen standing with the latter. All seem to have forgotten the fact that Hamas indulged in Islamic barbarism on 7th Oct 23 against Jews of Israel and most of the Muslims around the world celebrated it.
November 29th, 2023Quran Burning in Denmark & Sweden is Wrong Approach
Islamic ethos emanating from Quran is incompatible with peaceful coexistence with other communities.
July 26th, 2023Beyond Hamas Beast-hood in Israel: The Way Ahead
Israeli govt has taken a firm resolve to wipe out Hamas at least from Gaza. With the aerial attacks initiated the same day and ground attacks launched on 25 Oct 23, the IDF seems moving forward to achieve their immediate goal.
October 26th, 2023UNRWA of Jihadists & Terrorists, their Supporters & Sympathisers
The present disclosure of Hamas cadre having infiltrated into UNRWA may be an unpleasant news for the UN agencies but such whispers have been heard for long
January 27th, 2024Growing Trust Deficit for World Muslims as Community & Nations
It is no secret that Islamists have covertly waged Jihad in the world thru’ their 175-odd jihadi organisations termed non-state actors. Their atrocities & genocides are creating trust deficit for them the world over.
November 13th, 2023Quran Incompatible for Secular Ethos: Lessons from Hamas
The recent attack by Hamas Jihadists on 7th Oct 23 on the civilian Jews of Israel violated all norms of humanity. It was sheer barbarism and beasthood of Islam.
October 21st, 2023Gross Violation of Indian Fundamental Rights
It may be more appropriate for the Supreme Court of India to constitute a committee of religious experts from all those religions and faiths abused/demeaned in Quran (like Christian, Jew, Zoroastrian, Polytheist & Idol-worshipper of India) so as to go in details and assess if any or many of the verses of Quran are offensive to them and submit the report.
April 9th, 2023Chinese Connect with Serbia & EU
China and its dominating economy has been a threat to most of the nations seeking Chinese investments.
May 8th, 2024Terror Attacks in Moscow, Israel, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, USA, Mumbai, France…; Time to Eliminate Jihadists
Islamic nations in the world have raised Jihadi outfits to expand Islam in the world to make it global caliphate. It is up to the non-Islamic nations to realise and counter it. Cancer of Islam must be prevented from corroding any nation.
March 23rd, 2024Islamic Cancer Corroding Europe and the World
Although this article highlights the Islamic cancer in Europe; Asia and Africa are equally affected with it. This cancer is proliferating fast in the world despite it being treatable as shown by China.
February 21st, 2024Muslim Behaviour in Non-Islamic Nations
In any non-Islamic nation, Muslim behave, is largely dictated by their percentage population.
July 27th, 2024जिन्न, दानव या वेताल ?
जिन्न से भी खतरनाक ये दानव.......
August 31st, 2024Syria: Bitter Events on Cards Following Initial Euphoria
It has been a bloodless coup that made President Assad along with his family to flee to Russia and seek asylum. The new govt regime is yet to be formed. If Jihadists grab the power, it will be a mystery as to what the intent of the new regime could be.
December 8th, 2024Disreputed Indian Elections getting Polarized
The bottom lines of all above happenings are that there is a clear trend among political parties to get Muslim and backward-class Hindu votes by hook or crook.
November 20th, 2024आक्रोश
जबकि सत्य यही है कि मानव सभ्यता के विकास में वैदिक संस्कृति,सनातन धर्म सर्वोपरि,सर्वश्रेष्ठ है,क्यों कि यह धर्म आत्मा के उन्नयन का पाठ पढ़ाता है,ईसाई या इस्लाम धर्म की तरह सिर्फ किसी व्यक्ति विशेष के "मत" को जो कहीं - कहीं अमानवीय तत्वों का भी पोषण करता है , उसे ... येन केन प्रकारेन ...मानने के लिए बाध्य नहीं करता है।
December 30th, 2024Gross Fundamental Rights Violations in Many Verses of Quran
Human Rights violations have risen steeply in the recent years and decades. While this article is being written, Human Rights and Fundamental Rights violations amounting to genocides by the Islamic Jihadists are going on in different parts of the world to which UN Human Rights Commission has almost closed their eyes.
September 29th, 2024Indian Relations with Radical State of Bangladesh
The recent turmoil in Bangladesh has posed many risks for India both for its security as well as bilateral relations. More so, it has created a potential threat for a possible genocide of non-Muslims in new Bangladesh under radical Islamists.
September 13th, 2024Will Syria Descend into Hell?
Now with ISIS/ISIL/Al Qaida toppling Assad regime, large sections of Sunni majority are likely to support or sympathise with the new regime of HTS Jihadists. The minorities are sure to face persecution whether sooner or later.
December 15th, 2024A Vague Ceasefire Brokered Between Israel & Hezbollah
In a nutshell, it can be said that the ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah is a good sign to end the devastating IDF war against the Jihadi terrorists BUT it will not end their reign of Islamic terror
November 26th, 2024“बँटोगे तो कटोगे" का तात्पर्य...
बांग्लादेश में हाल की राजनैतिक उथल पुथल के दौरान वहाँ के लगभग सवा करोड़ हिन्दुओं की जिहादियों द्वारा प्रताडन देख कर किसी भी प्रमाणनकी जरूरत नहीं रह जाती है कि उनसे बचने के लिए हिन्दुओं में आपसी एकता परमावश्यक है I
October 23rd, 2024